
ProteOn System

Scientists from Creative Biolabs are willing to provide custom antibody affinity measurement using ProteOn system. The system is a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor platform that provides a label-free and real-time analysis of binding kinetics of molecular interactions. The key applications include:

Similar to Biacore, ProteOn system detects protein-protein interaction based on SPR technology, which is an extremely sensitive method for detecting molecular interactions by tracking the change of signal measured by sensor chips. Different from using ELISA which is an end-point assay,  with ProteOn, you can obtain full kinetic parameters related to the following questions:

Compared to classic Biacore system, ProteOn has a unique 6×6 array to generate an analysis of up to 6 ligands with up to 6 analytes simultaneously. This technique significantly increases the throughput of SPR sensor and provides a cost-effective choice (money and time) for antibody affinity measurement and kinetic screening with the performance of screening/optimization/characterization without the need of regeneration as its most significant character.

Using ProteOn system, we can perform these analyses:
  • 1×1 Full optimization, to determine optimal assay conditions.
  • 6×1 Kinetic screening, to measure kinetics under different conditions in the same run for more robust data.
  • 6×6 Single-point screening, to screen libraries for interactions of interest.
  • 36×1 Target screening (unique to SPR technology), screen a single analyte against 36 different targets in a single injection.

ProteOn System

ProteOn system can present kinetic characteristics by immobilizing 6 ligands on the surface with 6 different concentrations of the same analyte flowing across to collect 6 full kinetics within one run. Furthermore, a multiplex screening with 6 totally different targets and analytes is possible to provide the highest throughput within the shortest time. This unique feature of ProteOn not only enables a detection of up to 36 separated interactions in a single run, but also allows in-line parallel referencing. These spots employing unmodified act as references (interspot reference) can correct refractive index change and nonspecific binding. The real-time injection references help to adjust the baseline drift resulted from the changes of the ligand surface and collect high-quality SPR data with low signal-to-noise ratio, as often seen in the case of small molecule analytes. Other references can remove the bulk effect, such as real-time double reference and channel reference.

In traditional kinetic measurement with SPR, regeneration steps are usually required after binding assay between each analyte. The ligand surface regeneration must completely remove the analytes while remain the immobilized ligands unchanged. However, in ProteOn system, the regeneration of the surface is not required since the interactions occur separately in the featured 6x6 array.


  1. Abdiche Y N, Malashock D S, Pinkerton A, et al. Exploring blocking assays using Octet, ProteOn, and Biacore biosensors[J]. Analytical biochemistry, 2009, 386(2): 172-180.ProteOn XPR36, protein interaction array system

All listed services and products are For Research Use Only. Do Not use in any diagnostic or therapeutic applications.

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