Creative Biolabs offers ready-to-use human hepatocyte and stellate cell co-culture 3D spheroid models for our global clients. They are available in a cryopreserved form and can be thawed and quickly cultured into an ideal in vitro 3D model to back your studies on the cell crosstalk under physiological and pathological liver conditions.
Product Type
Organ/Tissue Source
Suitable for studies on the cellular crosstalk that occur in the liver tissue environment.
24-well plate;48-well plate;96-well plate
Product details
Cellular Components
Hepatocytes and stellate cells.
Kit Components
Spheroids, medium, supplement, penicillin/streptomycin solution and ultra-low binding culture plates.
Product quality
Quality Control
Negative for bacteria and fungi.
Ready-to-use form High biologically relevant models Easy to maintain
Storage & Shipping
Refer to the certificate of analysis (COA) for storage instructions.
Other components are shipped via dry ice except for the medium and culture plates shipped at room temperature.