Home > Products > CD20 & CD47 > Recombinant Human Anti-CD20 x Human Anti-CD47 Bispecific Antibody (Fab-scFv-Fc)

Recombinant Human Anti-CD20 x Human Anti-CD47 Bispecific Antibody (Fab-scFv-Fc)  (CAT#: FABVC-H229)

Recombinant Anti-CD20 x Anti-CD47 Bispecific Antibody (Fab-scFv-Fc) requires expression of three polypeptide chains, encoding two heavy chains (Fc-containing chains) and one light chain, respectively. The Fab of anti-CD20 antibody variable domain is fused to the Fc-knob domain with a hinge region and the same as the scFv of anti-CD47 to the Fc-hole domain, or vice versa. The Fab-Fc and scFv-Fc fragments can be paired via the interaction of the Fc regions. This BsAb can retarget macrophages to tumor cells. It is designed for the research of Lymphoma therapy.
Datasheet INQUIRY


CD20 & CD47
Fab-Fc Fusion Proteins
Species Reactivity
FuncS; Promising therapeutic agent
Related Disease


Target 1
Gene ID
UniProt ID
Alternative Names
MS4A1; membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 1; B1; S7; Bp35; CD20; CVID5; MS4A2; LEU-16; B-lymphocyte antigen CD20; CD20 antigen; CD20 receptor; leukocyte surface antigen Leu-16; B-lymphocyte cell-surface antigen B1
Target 2
Gene ID
UniProt ID
Alternative Names
CD47; CD47 molecule; IAP; OA3; MER6; leukocyte surface antigen CD47; CD47 glycoprotein; Rh-related antigen; integrin associated protein; integrin-associated protein; integrin-associated signal transducer; antigenic surface determinant protein OA3; antigen identified by monoclonal antibody 1D8; CD47 antigen (Rh-related antigen, integrin-associated signal transducer)
Our products and services are for research use only, and not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.
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