As a pioneer company in drug development process, Creative Biolabs has gained a wealth of experience in preclinical pharmacokinetic (PK) studies. Except for in vitro ADME service, we also provide a full range of high-quality and cost-effective in vivo ADME services to meet our client’s specific requirements. With extensive scientists and advanced equipment, our unparalleled services will greatly promote the development of your programs.

Introduction of In Vivo ADME

Preclinical in vivo ADME study is an important component of the drug development process which is designed to investigate the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of test articles. In addition to supporting drug discovery, lead candidate selection, preclinical testing, and clinical programs, in vivo ADME study also plays a key role in many parts of drug discovery, such as the choice of animal species and the dosing regimen (amount and dose frequency). Moreover, an accurate description of in vivo ADME is vital to obtain appropriate information regarding drug behavior and utility.

Fig. 1 The concentration profiles of substances in in vitro experiments differ from those observed in vivo.Fig. 1 Substance concentration profiles in in vitro experiments as opposed to in vivo. 1

In Vivo ADME Services at Creative Biolabs

Creative Biolabs provides quick study initiation, multiple animal species, and various administrations routes to optimize potential drug candidates rapidly. With years of experience, we can arrange and perform in vivo ADME assays using radio-labeled materials that you provide or custom radiosynthesis on your behalf. Generally, the isotopes we provide include 14C, 3H, 33S, 35S, 90Y, 125I and 111In, and others are available upon request. The in vivo ADME services we can provide include:

Mass-balance Studies

Mass balance studies investigate the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of a drug following a single administration to humans. The drug is radiolabeled to allow determination of drug disposition and assessment of major metabolic pathways. In addition to the rate and route of elimination, radiolabeling can also provide extensive information on exposure to the parent drug and its metabolites.

Quantitative Tissue Distribution Studies

With years of experience and advanced equipment, Creative Biolabs can provide quantitative tissue distribution studies through both the cutting-edge technology, quantitative whole-body autoradiography (QWBA) and traditional methods, such as tissue dissection, total radioactivity determination, LC-MS-MS/QPCR.

Metabolite Identification and Profiling

Understanding which metabolites are likely to be formed in vivo is essential for interpreting pharmacology, pharmacokinetic and toxicology data. Creative Biolabs offers a range of metabolite profiling services depending upon the level of detail and interpretation required.

Excretion Balance

Excretion balance assays are conducted to investigate whether drugs linked with toxicities associated with sequestration in tissues or covalent binding exhibit low mass balance. With years of experience, Creative Biolabs can provide excretion balance study service as part of a full ADME package or as a stand-alone study.


Mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit, dog, minipig, marmoset, and monkeys

In addition to the services of in vivo ADME, you might be also interested in other in vivo PK studies listed below:

Creative Biolabs is committed to being a good partner of our global customers. With extensive experience in drug discovery, our scientists have had a good knowledge of drug ADME development which enables us to provide a broad range of preclinical in vivo ADME studies services. If you are interested in the services we can provide, please don’t hesitate to contact us and get a quote.


  1. Lohasz, Christian et al. "Tubing-Free Microfluidic Microtissue Culture System Featuring Gradual, in vivo-Like Substance Exposure Profiles." Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology vol. 7 72. 2 Apr. 2019, doi:10.3389/fbioe.2019.00072. Distributed under Open Access license CC BY 4.0, without modification.

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