Next-IO™ Anti-CD48 Monoclonal Antibody Program

As a CRO service provider, Creative Biolabs focuses on developing novel therapeutic antibody programs, with the help of our partners, to fight cancer. We guarantee every step of the program is original, unique, and to your satisfaction. Our team will try our best to move the progress forward. We believe the high degree of collaboration will help with project developments, compared with the current CRO service pattern. This anti-CD48 monoclonal antibody program aims to develop therapeutic mAb against CD48 expressed on tumor cells.


CD48, a GPI-linked glycoprotein, belongs to Signalling Lymphocytic Activation Molecule (SLAM, also known as CD150) family. It is expressed on the surface of various immune cells, including T cells, B cells, plasma cells, and some other cells. CD48 modulates the function of NK cell by interacting with 2B4/CD244 (see Fig.1). One study indicates CD48 is expressed at high levels on all Multiple Myeloma (MM) plasma cells. Treatments with anti-CD48 antibody show improved complement-mediated cytotoxicity against MM cells. This suggests that CD48 is a potential target for MM.

Our Anti-CD48 Antibody Program

The rationale to develop our program is a) CD48 is highly expressed on MM plasma cells, b) treatment with anti-CD48 mAb can induce cytotoxicity of immune cells and in turn, inhibit MM cells’ growth without damage to normal CD34+ hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. All these findings endorse CD48 to be a potential immuno-therapeutic target. This inspires us to develop therapeutic antibodies that work in higher titer, safer and efficient when targeting CD48. Except for the program on monoclonal antibody, we are also open to developing combination strategies, and other antibody modalities developments, such as a bispecific antibody, etc.

Published Data

From the data, we learn that the CD48 is a novel molecular target for antibody therapy in multiple myeloma. For any additional assistance, please feel free to reach out to our scientists.

Program Planning and Management

We have extensive experience in performing comprehensive program developments and effective problem-solving. For our Next-IO™ programs, we are committed to promoting the program to the pre-IND stage within about 1.5 years. The accurate timeline will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Here is a draft timeline for your glance.

Fig.1 The timeline of Next-IOᵀᴹ programs. (Creative Biolabs Original)Fig.1 The timeline of Next-IOᵀᴹ programs.


Creative Biolabs is looking for potential partners and collaboration opportunities to co-develop the anti-CD48 antibody program. We offer trusted partnerships to partners all over the world. We are committed to forward the project as soon as possible to ensure timely delivery. We will acknowledge and share the potential risks with our clients together. We firmly believe the powerful collaboration will unleash the creative spirit and help both parties reach new horizons in the field of immuno-oncology.

If you are interested in the collaborations, please don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more.

For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use

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