Next-IO™ Anti-CEA × CD3 Therapeutic Bispecific Antibody Program

About This Program

This program aims to develop anti-CEA × CD3 therapeutic Bispecific Antibody in the immuno-oncology field.

T-cell-based cancer immunotherapy for some patients has achieved great accomplishments. Chimeric antigen receptor T cells, immune checkpoint inhibitors and T cell-redirecting bispecific antibodies (TRBAs) are some molecules used. In particular, because its ability to recognize two different epitopes on T cells and cancer cells, Bispecific Antibody is attracting increasing attention as a novel strategy in cancer immunotherapy. Here, we proposed to design a novel combination - CEA / CD3 bispecific antibody, which we believe will provide valuable insights into the future CAE-based oncology treatments.


Carcinogenic embryonic antigen (CEA) is a glycoprotein present in the exterior of embryonic and normal colonic tissues, acting as an intercellular molecule to help with adhesion

    Highlighted Functions:

  • Elevated levels of CEA have been found in most gastrointestinal, breast and lung cancer cells.
  • CEA is used as a diagnostic tool and prognostic tumor marker for patients with cancer.
  • CEA binds to the heterologous nuclear RNA-binding protein M4 (hnRNP M4), activating Kupffer cells to secrete various cytokines and hence, inhibiting circulating cancer cell death.
  • CEA activates cell adhesion-associated molecules.
  • CEA test is a powerful tool for detecting recurrent malignant tumors (cancers) after tumor treatments.

CEA in Cancer Studies

Here are some published data about CEA working as a potential target for cancer immunotherapy.


Positive CEA serum levels have been reported to be associated with different cancers as follows:

CEA is also elevated in many benign diseases: alcoholic cirrhosis, hepatitis, and ulcerative colitis.

We are intended to develop multiple programs (not limited to one specific type), in which CEA is highly expressed and researched.

Clinical Trials under Progress

Program Planning and Management

We have extensive knowledge of end-to-end program development. For each program, we are committed to delivering the final complete program to our clients within 1.5 years before entering the IND stage.

CEA in Cancer Studies


Creative Biolabs is looking for potential partners (include but not limit to major pharma or biotech firms) to develop anti-CEA × CD3 Therapeutic Bispecific Antibody program together. Our scientists are dedicated to bringing years of valuable experience to our partner and achieve a meaningful partnership. For any partners interest in our Next-IO™ programs, Creative Biolabs welcomes collaboration.

Here are two ways for your choice, and please contact us for more details.

1) Collaborate with us and co-develop the programs from the discovery phase to IND enabling. Costs will be shared.
2) Become a licensed candidate for our programs.

With our quality control protocol and knowledge of global regulatory requirements, we can help our partners advance their programs with more chance to succeed. Look forward to cooperating with you in the near future.


For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use

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