Next-IO™ Anti-Nectin-2 Monoclonal Antibody Program

About This Program

With the ultimate to promote cancer immunotherapies and precision medicine, Creative Biolabs is working on a variety of Next-IO™ programs. We have been in business for over a decade and our extensive CRO experiences in antibody discovery, engineering and manufacture can help us achieve significant success with our partners together. This program is developing to discover and develop the monoclonal therapeutic antibody (mAb) targeting Nectin-2.

Nectin-2 (CD112)

Nectin-2, known as CD112, is an important cell adhesion molecule (CAM) involved in cell-cell interactions, such as the reaction between NK cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). Nectin-2 is believed to interact with DNAX accessory molecule 1 (DNAM-1, also known as CD226) to modulate the immune responses reconciled by NK or CTL cells (see Fig.1).

Fig.1 Proposed model of nectin-2 binding to DNAM-1. (Jia, et al., 2010)Fig.1 Proposed model of nectin-2 binding to DNAM-1.1

Our Anti-Nectin-2 Antibody Program

Studies have indicated that expression of Nectin-2 is associated with poor prognosis in various cancer patients and specifically, Nectin-2 overexpression is found in patients with breast and ovarian cancer. Elevated Nectin-2 expression is also found in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and may later contribute to cell migration and invasion. However, blocking Nectin-2 with an antibody or siRNA may inhibit tumor growth. In summary, Nectin-2 is a potential therapeutic target to be researched. Our program is aiming to discover and develop novel therapeutic monoclonal antibodies against Nectin-2. Except for mAb therapy, we also interest in combination therapies and willing to develop valuable pipelines with our partners together!

Published Data

Our program is developed using a basic principle that blocking Nectin-2 can boost anti-tumor immunity. Here are some published data about sialic acid blockade working on anti- Nectin-2 abs.

  • Nectin-2 is over-expressed in various types of cancers.
  • Fig.2 Nectin-2 is over-expressed in various types of cancers. (Oshima. et al, 2013)Fig.2 Nectin-2 is over-expressed in various types of cancers.2

  • Anti-Nectin-2 mAbs inhibit the proliferation of OV-90 cells.
  • Fig.3 Anti-Nectin-2 mAbs inhibit the proliferation of OV-90 cells. (Oshima. et al, 2013)Fig.3 Anti-Nectin-2 mAbs inhibit the proliferation of OV-90 cells.2

  • Anti-Nectin-2 mAbs exhibit ADCC activities against OV-90 cells.
  • Fig.4 Anti-Nectin-2 mAbs exhibit ADCC activities against OV-90 cells. (Oshima. et al, 2013)Fig.4 Anti-Nectin-2 mAbs exhibit ADCC activities against OV-90 cells.2

  • Anti-Nectin-2 mAbs shows in vivo anti-tumor effects in the OV-90 cells from the mouse subcutaneous xenograft model.
  • Fig.5 Anti-Nectin-2 mAbs shows in vivo anti-tumor effects in the OV-90 cells from the mouse subcutaneous xenograft model. (Oshima. et al, 2013)Fig.5 Anti-Nectin-2 mAbs shows in vivo anti-tumor effects in the OV-90 cells from the mouse subcutaneous xenograft model.2

  • Anti-Nectin-2 mAbs exhibit in vivo anti-tumor effects in an established mouse lung cancer model.
  • Fig.6 Anti-Nectin-2 mAbs exhibit in vivo anti-tumor effects in an established mouse lung cancer model. (Oshima. et al, 2013)Fig.6 Anti-Nectin-2 mAbs exhibit in vivo anti-tumor effects in an established mouse lung cancer model.2

Program Planning and Management

We have extensive experience in performing comprehensive program developments and effective problem-solving. For our Next-IO™ programs, we are committed to delivering the program to the pre-IND stage within about 1.5 years. Accurate timeline will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Here is a draft timeline for your glance.

Fig.7 The timeline of Next-IOᵀᴹ programs. (Creative Biolabs Original)Fig.7 The timeline of Next-IOᵀᴹ programs.


Creative Biolabs is seeking partners to co-develop the therapeutic monoclonal antibody targeting Nectin-2. We are dedicated to providing our customers 24/7 high-standard customized service. Our goal is promoting the program to the pre-IND stage as soon as possible. If you are interested in our program, please feel free to contact us to learn how we can collaborate.


  • Jia, Lijun et al. "Validation of SAG/RBX2/ROC2 E3 ubiquitin ligase as an anticancer and radiosensitizing target." Clinical cancer researchl. 16,3 (2010): 814-24.
  • Oshima, Tsutomu et al. "Nectin-2 is a potential target for antibody therapy of breast and ovarian cancers." Molecular cancer. (2013). 12 60.

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