Next-IO™ Anti-NKRP1A Monoclonal Antibody Program

In the past decade, monoclonal antibody therapy has achieved significant clinical outcomes in the field of cancer treatment. The research on mAbs targeting immune checkpoints brought benefits to thousands of patients. By the assistance of our advanced platforms and extensive experience in antibody discovery and development, Creative Biolabs is now proposing a variety of Next-IO™ programs to develop novel therapeutic antibodies or proteins. This program aims to develop the therapeutic monoclonal antibody (mAb) specifically against NKRP1A.


NKRP1A (also known as CD161), is a type II transmembrane C-type lectin-like receptors expressed on NK cells and some subsets of T cells. Its receptor is encoded by gene KLRB1 and has a cognate ligand, LLT1 (lectin-like transcript 1). Studies have indicated that interaction between NKRP1A and LLT1 can inhibit the functional cytotoxicity of NK cells. Moreover, blocking NKRP1A-LLT1 interaction enhances NK cell-mediated cancer-killing property in prostate cancer and triple-negative breast cancer. Anti-LLT1 mAb is shown to restore NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity and has anti-tumor efficacy. In summary, we propose NKRP1A receptor to be the next therapeutic target that has great market potential.

Our Anti-NKRP1A Antibody Program

Blocking NKRP1A-LLT1 interaction can enhance the NK cell-mediated cancer-killing via the usage of knock down LLT1 and anti-LLT1 mAb. In some cases, block NKRP1A with mAb may accelerate cytotoxicity level by NK cells in the course of pathological cartilage injury. From the data, we know NKRP1A plays an inhibitory role in NK cell-mediated immune responses. Our anti-NKRP1A aims to develop therapeutic mAb against the inhibitory receptor, NKRP1A, and explore the novel approach to treat prostate cancer and triple-negative breast cancer. If you are interested in any other combined targets or its role in other indications, please reach out to our scientists for a further discussion.

Published Data

Based on these data, NKRP1A was shown to be a potential target to treat cancers and blocking NKRP1A (alone or in combination with other treatments) might be promising an immunotherapeutic strategy to treat cancers. Except for monoclonal antibody, we also research on combination strategies, or other antibody modalities, such as bispecific antibody, etc. to fit your desired direction.

Program Planning and Management

We have extensive experience in performing comprehensive program developments and effective problem-solving. For our Next-IO™ programs, we are committed to delivering the program to the pre-IND stage within about 1.5 years. Accurate timeline will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Here is a draft timeline for your glance.

Fig.1 The timeline of Next-IOᵀᴹ programs. (Creative Biolabs Original)Fig.1 The timeline of Next-IOᵀᴹ programs.


Creative Biolabs is seeking partners to co-develop the cancer immunotherapies targeting NKRP1A. With more than 10 years of extensive research in antibody discovery, engineering, manufacturing, etc., our scientists can help our clients to advance the program from antibody design, optimization, validation to pre-IND stage more efficiently. Let’s collaborate with each other to explore the next promising immunotherapy. Please feel free to contact us for more information!

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