GLRX (Glutaredoxin) is a member of the glutaredoxin family. The protein is a cytoplasmic enzyme catalyzing the reversible reduction of glutathione-protein mixed disulfides. This enzyme highly contributes to the antioxidant defense system. It is crucial for several signalling pathways by controlling the S-glutathionylation status of signalling mediators. It is involved in beta-amyloid toxicity and Alzheimer's disease.

CAT Product Name Source Product Overview Target Type Datasheet Size Price
VAng-1691Lsx Human Glutaredoxin 1 Protein (Met 1-Gln 106) [His] E. coli. Human Glutaredoxin 1 (GLRX1), His Tag, is expressed in E. coli. (Uniprot ID: NP_001112362) GLRX Tumor Antigens Datasheet 100 µg Inquiry

All of our products can only be used for research purposes. These vaccine ingredients CANNOT be used directly on humans or animals.

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