
Viscosity/KD Assay

Solution viscosity has been one of the most troublesome problems for the high-concentration formulation of protein drugs. Viscosity measurement is a method to determine the fluid viscosity and flow properties of liquids using a viscometer. As a professional supplier in the bio-manufacturing field, Creative Biolabs devotes to the manufacturability assessment of a potential drug candidate and is able to evaluate key manufacturability parameters, including liquid viscosity, via our proven CreDA™ platform. Remarkably, we provide a variety of different styles of powerful viscometers and corresponding custom services to perform a precise and repeatable viscosity determination for worldwide scientists.


When the liquid moves in a definite direction and its velocity has a gradient regarding the direction rectangular to that of flow, a force of internal friction is produced along both sides of a hypothetical plane parallel to the movement. This flow feature of the liquid is expressed in terms of a concept, viscosity. In medicine, the viscosity of drug solutions results from some types of interactions between protein molecules, as listed in Table 1. The electrostatic repulsion regulated by Coulomb’s law is a primary cause that determines the overall solution property owing to the long-range interaction. The other repulsive possibility is the exclusion volume effect by steric repulsion, very short interaction with a contact distance between atoms.

Tab.1 Major interaction depended on the distance. (Hong, 2018)

The Viscosity Measurement Services at Creative Biolabs

Viscometer, also named viscosimeter, is an instrument designed to determinate the viscosity of liquid samples. This device makes use of a theoretical relationship between shear stress and strain rate to execute assays. Viscometer using simple flows (one-dimensional, steady, fully developed) in which both shear stress and strain rate could be measured. There’re three major types of this equipment: flow, drag, and resonant.

Setup of the simple capillary viscometer. Fig.1 Setup of the simple capillary viscometer. (Pham, 2018)

At Creative Biolabs, we possess a diversity of viscometers can be provided for clients in the viscosity/KD assays and acquire proficiency in their internal characteristics to deal with any challenging projects. Our popular viscometer types including but not limited to:

  • Drag-type viscometers
  • Bubble (Tube) viscometers
  • Rotational viscometers
  • Flow-type viscometers
  • Orifice-type (Cup) viscometers
  • Vibrational (resonant) viscometers

The viscosity is one of the key parameters in the manufacturability assessment. Here, our versatile CreDA™ platform creates the potential to evaluate the technical viability of a drug candidate and finally screen the most appropriate agent during drug development. Our diversiform measurement services are displayed below.

In addition, we offer two special systems, plasma viscosity and dietary fiber viscosity, to determine solution viscosity in the clinical practice. For example, plasma is a Newtonian fluid. Its viscosity is independent of blood flow characteristics but is basically decided by water-content and macromolecular components of blood. As for dietary fibers, viscosity is a physicochemical property for them.


As a physical stability assessment, the viscosity/KD assay data can be informative for downstream processing and facilitate to select drug candidates that perform well in the preferred formulation platform. Based on advanced technology and dedicated device, Creative Biolabs has launched many different physical stability assessment services, particularly viscosity/KD determinations to precisely evaluate liquid samples. For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


  1. Hong, T.; et al. Viscosity control of protein solution by small solutes: a review. Curr Protein Pept Sci. 2018, 19(8): 746-758.
  2. Pham, L.H.P.; et al. A simple capillary viscometer based on the ideal gas law. RSC Adv. 2018, 8: 30441-30447.

All listed services and products are For Research Use Only. Do Not use in any diagnostic or therapeutic applications.

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