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Introduction of Endocrinology

Endocrinology encompasses the study of the endocrine system, its associated diseases, and hormone secretions. It delves into the intricate interplay between developmental events, metabolic processes, and sensory perception influenced by hormones. The endocrine system comprises glands scattered throughout the body, releasing hormones directly into the bloodstream, thus considered ductless glands. Endocrine disorders stem from imbalances in hormone secretion or reception, manifesting as hypo- or hypersecretion. These conditions are often multifaceted, involving feedback mechanisms within the endocrine system. Endocrinology addresses the complexity of these disorders, aiming to understand and manage the intricate hormonal dynamics underlying various physiological and pathological processes.

BsAbs in Endocrinology

Bispecific antibodies (BsAbs) represent an innovative approach with dual binding sites, offering distinct advantages over monoclonal antibodies by expanding therapeutic possibilities. With over a bunch of BsAbs currently under clinical evaluation, their versatility in addressing human endocrinology disorders is evident. For instance, a dual GHR-PRLR targeting antibody demonstrates promise in antagonizing the prolactin receptor (PRLR) and growth hormone receptor (GHR), inhibiting the PRLR signaling axis. This preclinical study underscores the potential of GHR/PRLR BsAb as a viable therapeutic strategy for breast cancer treatment, illustrating the growing excitement surrounding BsAbs in the realm of endocrinology therapy.

Creative Biolabs provides a diverse array of more than 80 BsAb options to support research in endocrinology therapy. Customization services are available to tailor bispecific antibodies for endocrinology conditions to meet specific research needs.

Fig. 1 Endocrine system. (From Wikipedia: Blausen.com staff (2014). 'Medical gallery of Blausen Medical 2014'. WikiJournal of Medicine 1 (2). DOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.010. ISSN 2002-4436. - Own work, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Blausen_0345_EndocrineSystem_Female2.png)

Fig. 1 Illustration of endocrine system.1


1. From Wikipedia: Blausen.com staff (2014). "Medical gallery of Blausen Medical 2014". WikiJournal of Medicine 1 (2). DOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.010. ISSN 2002-4436. - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Blausen_0345_EndocrineSystem_Female2.png

CAT# Product Name Species Reactivity BsAb Type Target 1 Target 2 INQUIRY
T-BSDB-H326 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Tandem Diabody) Human FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
T-BSDB-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Tandem Diabody) Human FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
SCIGG-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (scIgG) Human Single chain IgGs FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
SCIGG-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (scIgG) Human Single chain IgGs FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
FVTIG-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (scFv4-Ig) Human Appended IgGs FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
FVTIG-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (scFv4-Ig) Human Appended IgGs FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSSG-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (scFv-IgG) Human Appended IgGs FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSSG-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (scFv-IgG) Human Appended IgGs FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
IGLFV-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (IgG(L)-scFv) Human Appended IgGs FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
IGLFV-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (IgG(L)-scFv) Human Appended IgGs FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSGV-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (IgG-Fv) Human IgG-Fv FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSGV-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (IgG-Fv) Human IgG-Fv FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSDG-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Fv-IgG) Human Appended IgGs FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSDG-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Fv-IgG) Human Appended IgGs FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BABFV-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (F(ab')2-scFv2) Human Fab-Fc Fusion Proteins FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BABFV-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (F(ab')2-scFv2) Human Fab-Fc Fusion Proteins FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
FABVC-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Fab-scFv-Fc) Human Fab-Fc Fusion Proteins FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
FABVC-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Fab-scFv-Fc) Human Fab-Fc Fusion Proteins FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
SCDBC-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (scDiabody-CH3) Human Constant Domain-extended Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
SCDBC-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (scDiabody-CH3) Human Constant Domain-extended Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSDBC-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Diabody-CH3) Human Constant Domain-extended Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSDBC-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Diabody-CH3) Human Constant Domain-extended Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
SCDBF-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (scDiabody-Fc) Human Constant Domain-extended Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
SCDBF-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (scDiabody-Fc) Human Constant Domain-extended Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSFVF-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Tandem scFv-Fc) Human Constant Domain-extended Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSFVF-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Tandem scFv-Fc) Human Constant Domain-extended Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSDBF-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Diabody-Fc) Human Constant Domain-extended Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSDBF-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Diabody-Fc) Human Constant Domain-extended Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSTF-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (scFv-Fc-scFv) Human scFv-based Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSTF-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (scFv-Fc-scFv) Human scFv-based Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSCFV-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (scFv-Fc) Human scFv-based Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSCFV-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (scFv-Fc) Human scFv-based Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
MNAB-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Miniantibody) Human scFv-based Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
MNAB-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Miniantibody) Human scFv-based Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSFC-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (scFv-CH3) Human scFv-based Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSFC-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (scFv-CH3) Human scFv-based Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSCC-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (scFv-CH1/CL) Human scFv-based Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSCC-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (scFv-CH1/CL) Human scFv-based Bispecific Fragments FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BIBD-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Bibody) Human Bibody FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BIBD-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Bibody) Human Bibody FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
FABFV-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Fab-Fv) Human Fab-Fv FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
FABFV-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Fab-Fv) Human Fab-Fv FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
MiniB-H327 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Human Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Minibody) Human Minibody FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
MiniB-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Minibody) Human Minibody FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
SCDB-H326 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Single-chain Diabody) Human Single-chain Diabody FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
FABIG-H326 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Fab-IgG) Human Fab-IgG FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
TRIB-H328 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Triple Body) Human Triple Body FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSIG-H326 Human Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (IgG-IgG) Human IgG-IgG FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
CROSSAB-H326 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (CrossMab) Human CrossMab FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
IGFV-H326 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (IgG-scFv) Human IgG-scFv FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSDB-H326 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Diabody) Human Diabody FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSFAB-H326 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Tandem Fab) Human Tandem Fab FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSFV-H324 Recombinant Human Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Tandem scFv) Human Tandem scFv FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
SCDB-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Single-chain Diabody) Human Single-chain Diabody FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
FABIG-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Fab-IgG) Human Fab-IgG FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
TRIB-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Triple Body) Human Triple Body FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSIG-161 Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (IgG-IgG) Human IgG-IgG FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
CROSSAB-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (CrossMab) Human CrossMab FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
IGFV-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (IgG-scFv) Human IgG-scFv FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSDB-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Diabody) Human Diabody FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSFAB-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Tandem Fab) Human Tandem Fab FGFR1 KLB Inquiry
BSFV-161 Recombinant Anti-FGFR1 x Anti-KLB Bispecific Antibody (Tandem scFv) Human Tandem scFv FGFR1 KLB Inquiry


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