Short Decsription
Three-reagent staining kit for connective tissue visualization and detection of collagen, cartilage, muscle, elastic fibers, mucus, pituitary cells, reticular tissue, bone, amyloid, and red blood cells.
The Mallory trichrome staining kit was used to process the tested microscopic samples using three different staining methods and to perform different counterstains on the two essential parts of the focal tissue (muscle and collagen fibers). Nuclei and muscle were stained red to pink by staining the samples with fumed acid dye. The phosphomolybdic acid molecules then push the fuchsin acid dye molecules out of the collagen, allowing the aniline blue to bind, causing the collagen to be dyed a contrasting blue rather than red. Orange G (the lowest molar mass molecule) stains red blood cells.
Tissue Stainning

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