Flow Cytometry-based Quantification of Lymphatic and Blood Endothelial Cells

Creative Biolabs has ample experience in self-destruction tumor cell development for the cancer immunotherapy field. Currently, we can precisely design novel self-destruction assays with high affinity, specificity, and validity. Based on our state-of-art technologies, a wide variety of flow cytometry-based quantification systems of lymphatic and blood endothelial cells have been generated for offering one-stop solutions to suit the best to your projects.

Introduction of Lymphangiogenesis in Cancer Immunotherapy

In the past few years of studies, the lymphatic system has proven its important role in maintaining body fluid levels, absorbing digestive tract fat, and removing cellular waste, as well as immune surveillance. Pathologically, lymphangiogenesis is relevant to melanoma metastasis and poor prognosis. However, recent studies have suggested that lymphangiogenesis-inducing self-destruction cancer cells can enhance T cell immunity and offer a new perspective for the development of cancer immunotherapy to efficient anticancer. Therefore, many researchers have designed a new transformational cancer immunotherapy approach that uses a combination of overexpressed cytokines or lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) markers, such as vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGFC), and local adjuvants to engineer cancer cells to achieve self-resistance.

Scheme of the LEC isolation and flow cytometry analysis procedure. Fig.1 Scheme of the LEC isolation and flow cytometry analysis procedure. (Thiele, et al., 2014)

Flow Cytometry-based Quantification of Lymphatic and Blood Endothelial Cells

Up to now, a series of LEC markers, for instance, VEGFR3, LYVE1, Prox1, and podoplanin have been identified and widely used for engineering overexpression cancer cells for stronger t-cell activation. Moreover, a panel of flow cytometry-based methods has been established for quantifying LECs in different cancer cell models.

In Creative Biolabs, we are dedicated to helping our worldwide customers to select, design, and optimize the overexpressed cancer cells of the target of interest. Our flow cytometry-based detection platform has been successfully used for sorting distinct lymphatic and blood endothelial cell marker molecules, like VEGTR-3 and LYVE1, in different cell populations. The results have indicated that overexpressing cancer cells can induce local lymphangiogenesis and attract lymphocytes to exert immune effects.

In general, the dermis and epidermis are separated and then sectioned. Sectioned fragments are usually loaded onto cell strainers, filtered, and centrifuged at 1500 rpm for 5-10 min. Staining of surface antigens with primary antibodies (isotype control or specific mAb). After staining, cells were fixed with 2% paraformaldehyde in PBS, and the data is acquired using a CBL Flow cytometer.

Case study

Currently, we have demonstrated several VEGFC-based overexpression cancer cell models to trigger the activation of local lymphocyte proliferation and enhance tumor-associated antigen transportation. Furthermore, VEGFC can also stimulate lymphatic vessels to secrete high levels of chemokines or cytokines. These cytokines can increase immune system recognition and cytotoxicity of tumor cells to effectively limit tumor growth. Using our flow cytometry-based detection system, we can accurately monitor and measure the level of these overexpressed cytokines to guide self-destruction cancer cell engineering.

Creative Biolabs has developed a well-mature flow cytometry platform to boost the functions of the self-destruction cancer cells discovery pipeline. Our lymphatic and blood endothelial cells-based flow cytometry approaches will remove the obstacles of your projects and bring breakthroughs to affect the future of new cancer immunotherapy discoveries. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us or send us an inquiry.


  1. Thiele, W.; et al. Flow cytometry-based isolation of dermal lymphatic endothelial cells from newborn rats. Lymphology. 2014, 47(4): 177-186.

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