MHC-Ligandome Mapping

Identification of physiologically relevant peptide targets requires a direct analysis of the naturally presented major histocompatibility complex (MHC) ligands, referred as the MHC-ligandome of cells or tissues, in tumours often termed immunopeptidome.

Based on our state-of-the-art mass spectrometry (MS) platform technology, we map tumor immunopeptides to comprehensively observe the pathophysiologically relevant antigenic characteristics of malignant tumors. In peptide-specific immunotherapy settings, MS-based strategies can produce highly enriched amounts of truly presented peptides due to dramatic improvements in accuracy, sensitivity, and resolution. At the same time, our bioinformatics analysis team have developed professional bioinformatics tools to process MS data to provide reliable data analysis for your tumor immunopeptide discovery.

One-Stop MHC-Ligandome Mapping Workflow

Mapping the tumor HLA ligandomeFig1 Mapping the tumor HLA ligandome (Freudenmann, 2018)We accept a variety of MHC ligand samples include: (a) primary human cancer samples. (b) cell lines as artificial models of human tumors. (c) tumor samples obtained from model organisms.

Determining the right target is critical for T cell-mediated cancer immunotherapy, and direct identification of MHC neoligands by MS has proven to be a potential strategy. Creative Biolabs’ sophisticated approach to MHC-ligandome mapping services, the higher resolution, sensitivity of LC-MS / MS devices, as well as optimized acquisition methods accompanied by tailored bioinformatics tools, will allow you to gain deeper insights into immunopeptidome.

To obtain further information, please contact us for detailed information.


  1. Freudenmann L K.; et al. Mapping the tumour HLA ligandome by mass spectrometry. Immunology, 2018.

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