T Cell Gene Signature Technology and Analysis Solutions

Creative Biolabs is a research-driven and customer-focused company, which has focused on drug development and immuno-oncology research services for years. The members have originated from a rich academic research background, bringing their experience into translation. We are very proud of providing high-quality, omnidirectional T-cell gene signature technology and analysis services targeting almost all the genes of interest.

Introduction to T Cell Gene Signature Technology

T cell gene signature has been regarded as an important tool for cancer diagnosis and prognosis assessment. Moreover, with the advent of immune checkpoint inhibitors, tumor T-cell infiltration levels may become one of the key parameters that determine the success of cancer therapy. However, several studies have shown that individual genes with T cell characteristics are not restricted by T cells. As a result, over the past few years, we have developed a bioinformatics technique that can analyze T cell infiltration in both lymphoid and non-lymphoid tissues, and enable comprehensive comparison of T cell gene signatures from different sources.

The Process of T Cell Gene Signature Technology.Fig. 1 The Process of T Cell Gene Signature Technology.

Procedures of T Cell Gene Signature Technology

Normally, to obtain the genes with the best T cell signatures, we generally analyze the different T cell specificities of the genes through multiple rounds of screening. We aggregated all human T cells and T cell subsets, such as resting T cells, memory T cells, as well as activated T cells, to analyze gene expression levels.

First, specific genes that are expressed more in tissue-resident memory T cells than in parenchymal cells are screened. Secondly, we need to calculate the difference between the maximum and minimum expression levels of each remaining gene in non-lymphocyte or tissues and remove genes with excessive differences. Subsequently, genes that change expression levels in tissues more than other genes are screened. Finally, the expression levels of the remaining genes will be measured in activated parenchymal cells and activated non-T immune cells, respectively.

Case Study & Features

The Potential Use of T-Cell Gene Signature Technology for Antibody Discovery

In our labs, several immune checkpoint-related inhibitor antibody targets, such as CTLA-4/CD152, have been selected for predicting clinical treatment response by T cell gene signature technology.

Stratified clustering tools were used to analyze the expression of genes contained in T cells and non-lymphoid tissues of tumor patient samples. RNA sequencing and marker analysis were further combined to set the prediction criteria and core parameters.

By actually comparing the response of these markers to antibody treatment, we use techniques to assess relative T cell infiltration levels and other T cell infiltration levels from healthy tissues and/or tumors. The results have indicated that our T Cell gene signature technology can offer a more sensitive and accurate prediction of T-cell infiltration.

Cluster Analysis of TCGA Data in 182 MM Patients Cohort. Fig. 2 Cluster Analysis of TCGA Data in 182 MM Patients Cohort.

Exhausted CD-8 T Cells Predict Response to Anti-PD-1 Therapy Fig. 3 Exhausted CD-8 T Cells Predict Response to Anti-PD-1 Therapy.1

Chief Services

Creative Biolabs is a leader in the field of drug development and has focused on immuno-oncology-based services for years. We have experienced experts and advanced platforms that can provide excellent services. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.


  1. Terranova-Barberio, M., et al. (2020). Exhausted T cell signature predicts immunotherapy response in ER-positive breast cancer. Nature communications. 11(1): 3584.

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