Gene therapy is a therapy that treats genetic diseases by introducing genetic material (such as the expression system of therapeutic proteins or editing tools to correct wrong genes in diseased cells). TheRead More…
CD63: the Specific Marker Protein of Exosomes
Although extracellular vesicles (EVs) play a role in intercellular communication, their various populations and secretion mechanisms have not been fully characterized. It remains unclear how and to what extent EVs form asRead More…
Emerging Roles of Exosomal miRNA in Diabetes
Exosomal miRNA is closely related to various human diseases, including diabetes. Studying the mechanism of action of exosomal miRNA and its role in diabetes will be valuable for gaining a deeper understandingRead More…
Exosomal S100A4 Derived from Highly Metastatic Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Promotes Metastasis by Activating STAT3
Intercellular communication plays a crucial role in tumor progression and metastasis. However, the mechanisms by which tumor cells interact via exosomes remain incompletely understood. Recently, researchers performed proteomic profiling of exosomes derivedRead More…
Drug Delivery – Extracellular Vesicles vs Synthetic Nanoparticles
Recently, a comment was published in the journal Nature Reviews Materials (impact factor 71.189), outlining the application of extracellular vesicles and synthetic nanoparticles in drug delivery. Synthetic nanoparticles have been widely usedRead More…
Exosomes – Role and Therapeutic Potential in Osteoarthritis
Abstract Exosomes are involved in many physiological and pathological processes by regulating cell-to-cell communication involved in various diseases including osteoarthritis (OA). Exosomes were detected in the joint cavity of humans and wereRead More…