Monitoring Host Responses to Gut Microbiota

Today, host- and environment-associated gut microbial communities are more and more studied in terms of their functional capacity and activity. Creative Biolabs has been well equipped with advanced technologies to meet the increasing needs of researchers and scientists in their gut microbiota research.


The human gut is home to trillions of gut microbiota that have co-evolved with us and established a finely tuned symbiosis. Since the effect of gut microbiota activity on host health, it is important to characterize host responses to gut microbiota.

Targeted methods, including western blotting, ELISA and quantitative PCR, reliably validate functions and interactions of candidate molecules. However, they are limited by inherently low-throughput and narrow in scope. An ideal assay for host responses to the microbiota would be untargeted, unanticipated, sensitive, reproducible and quantitative. The advent of omic technology has made it possible to explore the vast microbial community and unravel the complex interaction between host and gut microbes. In this respect, the powerful transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomic tools provide novel functional insights in monitoring host responses to gut microbiota.

Our Services

We provide several different approaches to investigate the relationship between the microbiome and host response. Here are our provided services, including but not limited to:

Monitoring Host Responses to Gut Microbiota

Large-scale transcriptional assays (RNAseq, microarray) of host gut tissue provide a highly sensitive analysis of microbiota-influenced gene transcription. Combining advanced technology with the bioinformatics platform, we provide superior gut metatranscriptome analysis solutions. We now sequence the metatranscriptome from tissue samples to gain important information including gene activity diversity, gene expression abundance, and differential gene expression analysis.

Proteomics is a powerful and robust platform to analyze host responses. We focus on the analysis of host protein secretion into the gut lumen and in the stool. Mass spectrometry-based proteomics is uniquely suited to discovering the proteins at the host-microbiota interface. Our standard proteomics workflow includes protein extraction, enzymatic digestion, HPLC separation, mass spectrometry analysis, and protein quantification. Additional steps can be added to either enrich for specific components or further fractionate the samples.

Metabolomics has shown great promise in the characterization of host-microbiota interactions. Mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy are the techniques most often used for metabolome profiling. We can provide a wide range of metabolomics services including gut untargeted metabolomics analysis, gut targeted metabolomics analysis, gut lipidomics analysis.

Highlights of Our Services

Monitoring Host Responses to Gut Microbiota2

Equipped with cutting-edge techniques and well-experienced scientists, Creative Biolabs provides multi-omics services to help understand host responses to gut microbiota. Please feel free to contact us with your questions.


  1. Nichols, R.G.; Davenport, E.R. The relationship between the gut microbiome and host gene expression: a review. Human genetics. 2021, 140(5): 747-760.

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