Next-IO™ Anti-CDH3 × CD3 Bispecific DART Protein Program

About This Program

Anti-CDH3 × CD3 Bispecific DART Protein Program

This program aims to develop anti- P-cadherin (CDH3) × CD3 bispecific DART protein for immuno-oncology.

Rationale when developing the program:

Given the above, we propose the novel combination - CDH3 / CD3 bispecific DART protein, which we believe will provide insights to next-generation cancer treatment.


CDH3 (P-cadherin), also known as placental cadherin, is a class of Ca2+-dependent membrane glycoproteins. Cadherin has a cell type-specific expression pattern, meaning it can be distinguished by its tissue distribution. For example, CDH1 / E-cadherin (epithelial cells), CDH2 / N-cadherin (neuron), CDH3 / P-cadherin (placenta) and CDH4 / R- Cadherin (retina). For this reason, the behavior of P-cadherin in the malignant environment is heavily influenced by its cellular environment.

P-cadherin signaling pathways in the malignant setting.Fig.1 P-cadherin signaling pathways in the malignant setting. (Vieira, 2015)

CDH3 × CD3 in Cancer Studies

Here are some published data about CDH3 × CD3 working as a potential target for cancer immunotherapy.


Tumor-promoting or tumor-suppressing effects associated with P-cadherin expression based on their cell and tissue background.

Malignancy Expression Behavior
Breast cancer Up-regulation Tumour promoting
Gastric cancer Up-regulation Tumour promoting
Endometrial cancer Up-regulation Tumour promoting
Ovarian cancer Up-regulation Tumour promoting
Pancreatic cancer Up-regulation Tumour promoting
Basocellular and squamous carcinoma of the skin Up-regulation Tumour promoting
Cholangiocarcinoma Up-regulation Tumour promoting
Colorectal carcinoma Up-regulation Tumour promoting
Bladder cancer Up-regulation Tumour promoting
Prostate cancer Up-regulation Tumour promoting
Melanoma Down-regulation Tumour suppressive
Non-small cell lung cancer Down-regulation Tumour suppressive
Oral squamous cell carcinoma Down-regulation Tumour suppressive
Hepatocellular carcinoma Down-regulation Tumour suppressive

Ongoing Clinical Trials

Program Planning and Management

Creative Biolabs has extensive knowledge of end-to-end program development. Our Next-IO™ immunotherapeutic team already establish a novel Dual-Affinity Re-Targeting (DART) Platform. It allows us to cooperate with our partners more efficiently. For each project, we are promised to provide our client with a complete plan within 1.5 years before entering the IND phase.

Anti-CDH3 × CD3 Bispecific DART Protein Program


Creative Biolabs is looking for potential partners (include but not limit to major pharma or biotech firms) to develop anti-CDH3 × CD3 bispecific DART protein program together. Our scientists are dedicated to bringing years of valuable experience to our partner and achieve a meaningful partnership together. For any partners interested in our Next-IO™ programs, Creative Biolabs welcomes collaboration.

Here are two ways for your choice, and please contact us for more details.

1) Collaborate with us and co-develop the programs from the discovery phase to IND enabling. Costs will be shared.
2) Become a licensed candidate for our programs.

With our quality control protocol and knowledge of global regulatory requirements, we can help our partners to advance their programs with more chance to succeed. Look forward to cooperating with you in the near future.


For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use

Online Inquiry
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