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CAR-T In Vitro Efficacy Services with OncoSolid™ Cancer Organoid Models

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Organoid: Preclinical 3D Model

Organoids have emerged as a physiologically relevant in vitro model for developing cancer treatments. With advanced technologies and experienced researchers, Creative Biolabs can design and operate a full range of CAR-T efficacy assays using tumor organoids.

Tumor organoids are in vitro tridimensional assemblies of heterogeneous cell types of patient tumors, mimicking the structure and function of tissue or organ. Patient-derived organoids (PDOs) are proper models for CAR-T efficacy tests because they showed the most similarity of histopathological, gene mutant, and phenotypic characteristics to original tumors. Besides the improved clinical relevance of organoids, they are easier to manipulate than in vivo models.

Generation of cancer organoids and following application in cancer medicine. Fig.1 Generation of cancer organoids and following application in cancer medicine. (Turhan, et al., 2021)

CAR-T In Vitro Efficacy Service at Creative Biolabs

Creative Biolabs provides well-characterized organoids derived from human tumors, mouse tumors, or pluripotent stem cells to investigate CAR-T efficacy and predict responses in patients.


We provide end-to-end service on CAR-T efficacy tests using cancer organoids, from organoids establishment, and CAR-T construction, to evaluation of T cell function.

Illustration of CAR-T in vitro efficacy test service using cancer organoids.Fig.2 Illustration of CAR-T in vitro efficacy test service using cancer organoids. (Creative Biolabs)

Organoid Types

At Creative Biolabs, most organoids are established from 3 pathways.

Name Description
Patient-derived Cancer Organoids Organoids derived from patient biopsies and resection tumor tissue.
Human Pluripotent Stem Cells (hPSCs) Derived Organoids PSCs cultured in a medium with growth factors can differentiate toward functional tissue and model tumorigenicity by genome editing.
Mouse Tumor Derived Organoids Generate organoids from tumor tissue isolated from genetically engineered mice or xenograft mice.

Available Culture Methods

Organoids can be established using multiple cutting-edge techniques and methods with special application advantages.

Method Culture system Advantages Limitation
Matrigel- based Method Matrigel- based Method Common, effective, and convenient Only contains cancer cells; other cells can be added to the culture system to model the tumor microenvironment
Air-liquid Interface (ALI) Method Matrigel- based Method Mesenchymal/stromal cells and immune cells are preserved and combined to develop organoids The number of immune cells decreased with a prolonged culture period
Microfluidic Method Matrigel- based Method Mimic the natural process of tumorigenesis in vivo; retain the cellular heterogeneity and structure of tumor tissue Require advanced equipment; the number of immune cells decreased with a prolonged culture period

Well-characterized Cancer Organoid Models

We thoroughly validate formed organoids on similarity with the initial tumor.

Item Technique Function
Histological Features
  • Haematoxylin and eosin staining
  • Immunofluorescent analysis
  • Histological organization analysis
  • Cell identification
Genomic Features
  • Whole exome sequencing
  • Whole genome sequencing
  • Transcriptom sequencing
  • Somatic mutation profile
  • Copy number variant (CNV) in whole genome
  • Exonic single nucleotide variants (SNV) analysis

Multiple Types of Cancer Organoids

Creative Biolabs provides a living biobank of organoids with multiple human cancers.

Cancer Organoid Models-based CAR-T Efficacy Test Services

Organoids are used to investigate the therapeutic functions of CAR-T by co-culturing cancer organoids with targeted CAR-T cells. We provide multiple methods and ways to examine CAR-T mediated specific killing against cancer organoids and measure cancer organoids alterations after incubation.

Methods Description Detailed Information
Image analysis Brightfield image of morphology changes. Deformation and cell lysis
Immunostaining Monitor organoids apoptosis, CAR-T cell invasion, and proliferation. Staining with DAPI, CD3, CD8, Granzyme B, CC3, tumor marker, KI67, and so on.
Cytotoxicity Measure the T cell-mediated target organoid lysis. LDH release, flow cytometry analysis
ELISA Detection cytokines released from organoids IL-2, IFN‐γ and TNF‐α


  • Large biobanks of organoids represent population diversity and cellular heterogeneity,
  • A high-throughput platform allows multiple cells and organoids combinations measurement simultaneously,
  • Normal organoids are provided to test off-target effects,
  • Cancer organoids can be engineered to express antigen protein and fluorescent protein.

Creative Biolabs is committed to developing potential gene and cell products for cancer treatment. We provide advanced cancer organoids for preclinical CAR-T efficacy tests at a competitive price. If you are interested in our service, please contact us for more detailed information.


  1. Gunti, Sreenivasulu.; et al. Organoid and Spheroid Tumor Models: Techniques and Applications. Cancers. 2021, 13: 874.
  2. Turhan, Ali G.; et al. iPSC-Derived Organoids as Therapeutic Models in Regenerative Medicine and Oncology. Frontiers in medicinevol. 2021, 8: 728543.
  3. Richiardone, E.; et al. Metabolic Studies in Organoids: Current Applications, Opportunities and Challenges. Organoids. 2022, 1: 85-105.
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