3D Ex Vivo Human Tissue Model Introduction

In vitro assays by culturing human cells are a popular research method. However, these cells are only cultured on a flat plate, which belongs to a 2D environment. This traditional static culture fails to replicate the physiological conditions existing in vivo. Therefore, there is a growing interest in 3D ex vivo tissue models. Creative Biolabs is committed to providing a wide variety of customized 3D ex vivo human tissue models to promote your project.

Overview of Ex Vivo Models

In vitro and ex vivo are two similar testing methods as they both involve experimentation on biological substances outside the living body and in artificial environments. For in vitro testing, cells are obtained from repositories and grown to create the necessary models. Cells and tissues used in ex vivo experiments are obtained from living organisms. This approach can provide valuable insights into the function and behavior of complex biological systems. Additionally, 3D tissue models from patients can revolutionize how therapeutic and diagnostic alternatives are developed. Therefore, ex vivo human tissue models have emerged as a promising scientific tool.

Representation of 3D culture models according to their complexity. Fig.1 Representation of 3D culture models according to their complexity. (Boucherit, 2020)

Advantages of Ex Vivo Human Tissue Models

In vitro models contribute to the exploration of complex biological system functions. These models are constructed using tissues that remain viable in vitro under optimized conditions. Therefore, this ex vivo approach has several advantages over animal and cell models.

  • These models have a more complex cellular diversity and thus more closely resemble in vivo conditions.
  • The influence of different factors on the behavior of a given tissue can be investigated independently and in isolation from systemic or exogenous factors present in live animal models.
  • Ex vivo testing can be effective in predicting clinical conditions without adding time and expense to potentially unnecessary in vivo testing.
  • Ex vivo models are able to offer more precise experimental conditions and allow for the identification of tissue responses to specific stimuli.
  • Tissue can be removed in a variety of ways, including partial resection, as a whole organ, or as a larger organ system.


These ex vivo tissue models more faithfully preserve in vivo tissue architecture and thus better represent disease-associated changes and are better suited for analyzing viral interactions with normal and cancerous tissues. In addition, such models are playing an increasingly important role in elucidating the efficacy and safety of new drugs. The ex vivo model is closer to the in vivo situation, so it is possible to better predict the process of drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics in vivo.

What Can We Provide?

Creative Biolabs has developed an extensive tissue procurement network, therefore, a wide variety of ex vivo tissue models are available.

With extensive experience in 3D ex vivo human tissue model construction and drug testing, we are pleased to provide dedicated project support and consulting for your drug discovery process. Please contact us in time for more details.


  1. Boucherit, N.; et al. 3D tumor models and their use for the testing of immunotherapies. Frontiers in immunology. 2020, 11: 603640.
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