3D Biology-Based Gastrointestinal Toxicity Evaluation Services

Medication-induced gastrointestinal toxicity may lead to the rupture of intestinal epithelial cells, followed by inflammation, and result in distressing symptoms such as severe diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and abdominal pain. Creative Biolabs brings you a revolutionary 3D biology-based platform for analyzing a wide range of physiological endpoints relevant to gastrointestinal toxicity, including cell morphology, viability, transcriptomics, and transepithelial electrical resistance.

Traditional Models or 3D Cell Gastrointestinal Toxicity Evaluation

Assessing in vitro intestinal toxicity commonly uses monolayers of Caco-2 cells that may not fully capture the complexity of in vivo intestinal physiology, particularly with regard to the intricate folding and barrier structures present within the intestine.

Creative Biolabs is proud to present our state-of-the-art 3D biological model specifically designed for gastrointestinal toxicity testing with such benefits:

  • Accurately replicate tissue-like structures and features, surpassing traditional monolayer cultures.
  • Deliver precise research outcomes in drug discovery, screening, and drug target identification.
  • Enhance cell proliferation, differentiation, transcriptomics, and transepithelial electrical.

Immunohistochemical phenotyping of gastrointestinal. (Peters, 2019)

Gastrointestinal Toxicity Evaluation by Intestinal Organoid Model

Creative Biolabs’ groundbreaking advancements in in vitro culture methods have revolutionized the maintenance and continuous differentiation of intestinal stem cells into various epithelial cell types found within the intestine. Differentiated cells effectively self-assemble into 3D intestinal organoids that closely resemble in vivo structures and exhibit essential characteristics of human cells.

3D gastrointestinal organoid. (Zhang, 2020) Fig 2. 3D gastrointestinal organoid.2

Innovative Solutions

Entrusting Creative Biolabs with your testing needs, you can be confident in obtaining accurate and dependable data support. Contact Creative Biolabs today and experience the power of our 3D biology-based approach. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with comprehensive testing services and ensuring that you have the necessary information to make informed decisions.


  1. Peters, M.F.; et al. Human 3D gastrointestinal microtissue barrier functions as a predictor of drug-induced diarrhea. Society of Toxicology. 2019, 168(1): 3-17.
  2. Zhang, M.; et al. Generation of 3D human gastrointestinal organoids: principle and applications. Cell Regeneraton. 2020, 9: 6.
Research Model

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