3D Ex Vivo Human Skin System Tissue Model Introduction

Creative Biolabs specializes in providing researchers with a reliable and high-quality model of human skin tissue, a cutting-edge technology that allows for highly accurate and reliable testing of drugs and medical treatments. We are proud to provide this innovative service, which has the potential to revolutionize the drug development process and improve patient outcomes.

Skin System and Related Disease

Skin is the largest organ in the human body and plays a critical role in protecting our internal organs and regulating body temperature. The skin system is composed of several layers, including the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. Skin diseases can significantly impact an individual's quality of life; some can even be life-threatening. Diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, and skin cancer are areas of active research, and the development of effective treatments is a top priority. However, the complexity of skin tissue and its response to treatments make the study of skin diseases challenging.

Human skin tissue.Fig 1. Human skin tissue. (Catarino, 2021)

Traditional Models for The Study of Skin

Current methods for studying skin diseases and treatments include animal models and in vitro models such as cell cultures. However, these models have limitations in accurately reproducing human skin's complex structure and function. Animal models can be costly, time-consuming, with serious ethical dilemmas, and may not accurately reflect the human response. Cell culture models lack the three-dimensional structure and interactions between different cell types that are present in human skin.

Traditional Models for Skin Disease Research

Current models used for studying skin diseases and treatments include animal models and in vitro cell models. However, these models have limitations in accurately reproducing human skin's complex structure and function. Specially, animal models can be costly, time-consuming, with serious ethical dilemmas, and may not accurately reflect the human response. Cell culture models lack the three-dimensional structure and interactions between different cell types that are present in human skin.

3D Ex Vivo Human Skin System Tissue Model

The 3D ex vivo human skin system tissue model offers several advantages over traditional models, including:

  • Accurate reproduction of the complex structure and function of human skin
  • Realistic interactions between different cell types in the skin system tissue
  • Ability to test the effects of drugs and medical treatments on human skin
  • Faster and more cost-effective than animal models
  • Provide in a more ethical and sustainable manner
  • Choose between different models

As the world's leading provider of biological samples and value-added services, Creative Biolabs can provide multiple biological samples to meet your specific needs. Particularly, we have built a comprehensive and complete human tissue sample supply network and can provide 3D ex vivo human naturally occurring skin disease model and 3D ex vivo human phenotypic skin disease model for global customers. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and learn how we can promote your project.


  1. Roger, M.; et al. Bioengineering the microanatomy of human skin. Journal of Anatomy. 2019, 234: 438-455.
  2. Chanda, A.; et al. Biomechanical modeling of human skin tissue surrogates. Biomimetics. 2018, 3(18): 3390.
  3. Catarino, C.M.; et al. Evaluation of native and non-native biomaterials for engineering human skin tissue. Bioengineering and Translational Medicine. 2021, 7: 10297.
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