Precision-Cut Heart Slice Model Introduction

Creative Biolabs' precision-cut heart slice model is a game-changer in the field of heart disease research and drug development. Its innovative design has provided unique advantages for traditional cardiology and cardiovascular science research.

Construction of PCHS. (Watson, 2019)Fig 1. Construction of PCHS. (Watson, 2019)

Cardiovascular Diseases and Precision-Cut Heart Slices (PCHS)

Cardiovascular disease poses a significant threat to the global health community. Despite progress in reducing heart failure mortality rates and understanding its cellular and molecular characteristics, vital findings from heart research remain unimplemented in clinical practice. Effective translation of basic biomedical research requires information about the impact of molecular targets in the system, along with experimental systems that incorporate complete, multicellular tissue components and external manipulation for disease modeling and treatment simulation.

PCHS is increasingly utilized for testing novel drugs and biochemical products. By preserving the structural and functional integrity of human or animal organs, PCHS offers a high-throughput and relevant model for drug discovery, providing accurate phenotypic information.

Use of PCHS.Fig 2. Use of PCHS. (Meki, 2021)

Why Choose Creative Biolabs' PCHS

Traditional Cardiovascular Disease Model

Traditionally, basic cardiac research has been conducted from isolated cardiomyocytes to complex animal models. Unfortunately, there are serious limitations to current experimental models. Trabeculae and isolated cardiomyocytes experience rapid declines in vitality and functionality, while artificial cardiac tissue composed of differentiated stem cells can only represent immature phenotypes. Animal models, commonly used for cardiac physiology screening, have limited reliability in reflecting the effects of drugs on the human heart. Furthermore, the use of a large number of drugs in animal models for creating pharmacokinetic characteristics of drugs at early development stages is relatively expensive and raises significant ethical concerns.

Precision-Cut Heart Slice Model

Creative Biolabs utilizes heart slices for both basic and translational cardiovascular research. PCHSs provide a highly effective means to study the impact of conductive biomaterials or medications on cardiac physiology and simulate various pathological conditions based on the sample in question. PCHS model allows a better comprehend of the mechanisms of new treatments and accurate assess their effectiveness and safety. This model offers the advantages of complex multicellular three-dimensional preparations and the simplicity of obtaining structural and functional data from two-dimensional single layers, while accurately maintaining the physiological environment of specific regions of the heart in vivo.

Key Features

Creative Biolabs provides superior-quality PCHS, allowing researchers to obtain an authentic depiction of in vivo conditions, reducing the need for animal experimentation and accelerating the drug development process.

Highly Feasible

Freshly prepared PCHS. (Watson, 2019)

- Minimizing any tissue damage ensures that the structure and function are preserved.

Ultra-thin Slicing

Immunohistochemical staining of dog heart slice. (Watson, 2019)

- Ensures diffusion of oxygen, metabolic substrates, and small molecules across the entire slice.


Cross-section of a 300 μm PCHS. (Watson, 2019)

- Can be generated from any animal, human, or disease model you choose.

Standardized Protocol

Human heart failure PCHS fluorescence visualization imaging. (Watson, 2019)

- A standardized slicing process ensures high quality and uniformity of all slices.

Our Services

Comprehensive cardiac toxicity testing is essential to ensure the safety of new therapies before they hit the market. Creative Biolabs provides advanced ex vivo human models for cardiac toxicity testing, which bridge the gap between preclinical and clinical trial outcomes. Our PCHS model is specifically designed to offer the complexity and functionality of human tissue, which is critical for translational research. To enhance your research, contact us today to learn more about our exceptional services and products.


  1. Watson, S.A.; et al. Myocardial slices: an intermediate complexity platform for translational cardiovascular research. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy. 2019, 33: 239-244.
  2. Meki, M.; et al. Heart slices to model cardiac physiology. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2021, 10: 3389.
Research Model

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