Exosome Identification Kits

Depending on the host cell, exosomes can contain a large number of different proteins and their components are further regulated by the cellular state (such as stress or activation, or inhibition of specific signaling pathways). Tetraspanins such as CD9, CD63, and CD81 are the most common exosome marker proteins, which exist on the surface of vesicles. The surface localization of the tetrapeptide antigen makes it a good candidate target for immunolabeling and purification of exosomes from biological samples. The components of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT), such as TSG101 and Alix, cytoskeleton proteins, integrin, and annexin, are also enriched in exons, which play a key role in exosome targeting and cell adhesion.

Antibodies against exosome-associated antigens contribute to the characterization of exosomes in cells, tissues, or other biological samples. Creative Biolabs provides several efficient and convenient WB detection kits and colloidal gold test kits for exosome characterization, including some of the most popular exosome marker targets: Alix, CD9, CD63, CD81, and TSG101.


  Cat Product Name Sample Type Size Datasheet Inquiry
EMK-01 Exosomal Marker Alix Antibody Set Kit exosome samples 5 Assays
EMK-02 Exosomal Marker CD9 Antibody Set Kit exosome samples 5 Assays
EMK-03 Exosomal Marker CD63 Antibody Set Kit exosome samples 5 Assays
EMK-04 Exosomal Marker CD81 Antibody Set Kit exosome samples 5 Assays
EMK-05 Exosomal Marker Tsg101 Antibody Set Kit exosome samples 5 Assays
EXA-0923-X1 Exosome Protein-Specific Lysis Buffer Extracted exosome samples 20 mL
For Research Use Only. Cannot be used by patients.
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