NAA Services for Anti-Alloantibody Cᵂ

Having worked in the field of natural autoantibody (NAA) research for many years, Creative Biolabs has successfully developed innovative and diversified NAA platforms to provide fast and convenient services for our worldwide customers. Now, we are capable to provide services against alloantibody Cᵂ. Our professional scientists will take part in every step of your program to promote your project.

Background of Anti-Alloantibody Cᵂ

Anti-C Willis antibody (anti-Cᵂ) was first described in 1946 and is a low frequency red cell antigen that belongs to the Rh blood groups system. Anti-Cᵂ can occur naturally or develop as a result of red blood cell (RBC) sensitization through transfusion or pregnancy. It is usually of the IgG type and may cause mild to severe immediate or delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions and mild to moderate hemolytic diseases in newborns. When it does occur, it is often subclinical or of mild to moderate clinical severity. However, some case reports suggested that intrauterine hemolysis due to anti-Cᵂ may be life threatening to the unborn fetus.

The Role of Anti-Cᵂ Antibody in Thalassemia

Thalassaemia is associated with genetically determined reduction in rate of synthesis of one or more types of normal haemoglobulin (Hb) polypeptide chain. Lifelong RBCs transfusion is the treatment of thalassaemia major patients which alleviates the anaemia and suppresses the compensatory mechanism responsible for clinical disease including deaths in these patients. The most common antibody identified in thalassemia patients was anti-K, followed by anti-D, anti-C, anti-E, anti-c, anti-e, anti-JKᵇ, and anti-Cᵂ. Studies have shown that Cᵂ antigen-positive antibody screening cells should be used for antibody screening in female thalassemia major patients as these antibodies may not be as infrequent as one might think and can result in clinically significant hemolytic disease of newborn (HDN). Thus, pregnancies affected by anti-Cᵂ merit closer scrutiny.

Thalassaemia disease. Fig.1 Thalassaemia disease. (Taher, 2018)

What We Can Do about NAA?

Equipped with our well-established platforms and experienced scientists, we can provide comprehensive NAA services, from NAA detection, NAA profiling, to NAA epitope mapping. A wide spectrum of NAA products is available for your choice.

Features of our Anti-Cᵂ Service Including but Not Limited to

Rh and Kell blood group system antibodies accounted for more than 80% of alloantibodies. Studies emphasize the need for RBC antigen typing before first transfusion and issue of antigen matched blood (at least for Rh and Kell antigen). Creative Biolabs provides various high-affinity NAA services for anti-Cᵂ to facilitate our client's research and project development. In addition to the well-established NAA services, our expertise also enables us to provide customized service to meet every customer's needs. For more details and information, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Taher, A.T.; et al. Thalassaemia. The Lancet. 2018, 391(10116): 155-167.
For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use

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