Extracellular Vesicle Profiling Services

EVs (Extracellular Vesicles) are vesicle-like vesicles with bilayer membrane structure detached from cell membranes or secreted by cells, transporting an extensive range of bioinformatic molecules including nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids. Understanding the biology of EVs and their specific contents requires a comprehensive portfolio of analytical methods. Creative Biolabs provides EVs profiling services to decipher the rich contents of EVs, contributing clues to understanding the molecular mechanisms of EVs.

EVs Profiling Services in Creative Biolabs

The profiling of EVs facilitates insight into the biological mechanisms that mediate material transport, signal transduction, and enable physiological functions in cells, with the potential to identify new diagnostic and prognostic markers of disease. For the extensive EVs contents, Creative Biolabs has built multiple EVs profiling platforms for providing isolation, qualitative, and quantitative profiling services, including:

Molecular components of extracellular vesicles (EVs) as cancer biomarkers. Fig.1 Molecular components of extracellular vesicles (EVs) as cancer biomarkers. (Urabe, 2020)

EVs Profiling Approaches

The main methods used to detect EVs are dynamic light scattering, nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA), flow cytometry, ELISA, sequencing, mass spectrometry, and microarrays. ELISA and flow cytometry are the more commonly used methods due to their high throughput, short time, and simple operation. ELISA is vulnerable to interference from other soluble antigens, and there is no available information about the size and number of EVs. In contrast, flow cytometry can not only detect the size and number of EVs, but also the origin of EVs can be detected by cell-specific marker staining, classifying EVs. Therefore, flow cytometry is theoretically the optimal choice for performing rapid, high-throughput, multi-parameter detection of EVs. Mass spectrometry is mainly used to detect the molecular weight and amino acid sequence of EVs protein peptides, as well as to discover protein binding sites and post-translational modifications.


The profiling of EVs involves all components of expression abundance and concentration contents, which vary depending on the nature and biogenesis of different subpopulations of EVs. The combination of multi-omics studies helps to understand this complexity. Creative Biolabs facilitates the deciphering of the multiple contents of EVs, allowing an in-depth resolution of the functional mechanisms of EVs-mediated messaging and elucidating the mediating role of EVs on selective intercellular signaling crosstalk, clearance and immunity to extend biomedical research.

Illustration of EV-mediated cell cross-talk, clearance mechanisms and immune responses. Fig.2 Illustration of EV-mediated cell cross-talk, clearance mechanisms and immune responses. (Herrmann, 2021)

Since the EVs contents reflect the type and state of their parent cells, the EVs profiling is valuable for providing stable and disease-specific biological information with high applications for their functional development and related disease research. Creative Biolabs provides comprehensive EVs profiling services to help understand the molecular specificity and potential applications of EVs. Please contact us with your interest.


  1. Urabe, F.; et al. Extracellular vesicles as biomarkers and therapeutic targets for cancer. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2020, 318(1): C29-C39.
  2. Herrmann, I.K.; et al. Extracellular vesicles as a next-generation drug delivery platform. Nat Nanotechnol. 2021, 16(7): 748-759.
For Research Use Only. Cannot be used by patients.
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