Purity Evaluation Service for Exosome Product

The purity evaluation of exosome products is crucial to scientific research and future medical applications and can provide a strong basis for the accuracy of experimental results, product safety, and effectiveness. In order to meet customer needs and ensure product safety and compliance, Creative Biolabs provides a full range of technical services to help evaluate the purity of exosome products.

Chromatography-based analysis of exosome purity.Fig. 1 Chromatography-based analysis of exosome purity. (Ahn, 2022)

The Importance of Exosome Product Purity Evaluation

The Importance of Exosome Product Purity Evaluation1

The Importance of Exosome Product Purity Evaluation2

The Purity Evaluation System of Exosome Products in Creative Biolabs

For the comprehensive evaluation of the purity of exosome products, Creative Biolabs can use the following technologies for analysis and evaluation. Most importantly, we will combine the results of different technologies to confirm, complement and verify each other to ensure that the final evaluation results are accurate and reliable.

Evaluation technology Evaluation detail
Morphological evaluation The shape, size, and quantity of exosomes can be observed by electron microscopy. Under the electron microscope, the background of high-purity exosome products is clean, and the particle size is relatively uniform.
Particle size evaluation Nanoparticle tracking analysis can be used to obtain the number distribution map of different particle sizes. The particle size distribution of high-purity exosome products is concentrated in the range of 30-150nm. The ratio of particles of the correct size can be used as an indicator of purity.
Purity calculation Bicinchoninic acid assay can be used to quantify the protein concentration of exosome products. The ratio of the number of particles to the amount of protein can also be used as an indicator of purity.
Chromatographic analysis Various substances in the sample can be separated and quantified by using high-performance liquid chromatography. By calculating the peak area or peak height ratio of each component, the degree of purity of the exosome product can be determined.
Positive marker evaluation Western Blot (WB), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), mass spectrometry, and other methods can be used to detect the type and expression abundance of marker proteins in exosomes.
Negative marker evaluation WB, ELISA, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), mass spectrometry, and other methods can be used to detect proteins or nucleic acids that should be expressed in donor cells or biological fluids but should not be expressed in exosomes.
Molecular spectrum evaluation The purity of exosomes is evaluated by detecting the types and contents of nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and metabolites in exosome products by mass spectrometry.
Biological activity evaluation Using techniques such as cell culture and mouse models, the safety and effectiveness of exosome products can be evaluated.
Other possible evaluation methods

Creative Biolabs provides exosome product purity evaluation services to help customers optimize the exosome purification process and improve development efficiency and reliability. If you have this demand, please contact us.


  1. Ahn, SH.; Ryu, SW.; et al. Manufacturing therapeutic exosomes: from bench to industry. Molecular Cell. 2022. 45(5):284-290.
For Research Use Only. Cannot be used by patients.
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