Colon Cancer Tissue Exosome Research and Application

A frequent gastrointestinal malignancy that affects the colon, colon cancer is still difficult to diagnose in time and completely treat. In addition to mediating communication between the tumor and its microenvironment, tissue exosomes also play a role in a number of biological characteristics of colon cancer, including immune-related regulation, angiogenesis, and drug resistance, which has emerged as one of the disease's hottest research areas. Creative Biolabs provides research services related to colon cancer tissue exosomes to help resolve the relationship between tissue exosomes and colon cancer.

Colon Cancer Tissue Exosomes Induce Tumor Progression

Colon cancer tissue exosomes contribute to the promotion of the growth and progression of colon cancer due to the high expression of transforming growth factor 1 on their surface. Besides, exosomes were found to have a considerable elevation of CD44v6 expression, which helped tumor cells acquire the ability to metastasize. Moreover, the colon cancer tissue microenvironment contains miRNAs from M2-type macrophage-derived exosomes that block a number of oncogenic signaling pathways, possibly promoting colon cancer invasion and metastasis. Exosomes from colon cancer tissue have also been found to encourage morphological and functional alterations in colon stem cells that support the development of tumors and the spread of malignancy. This was done mainly by light and electron microscopy analysis, as well as 2D and 3D culture proliferation profiles, metastasis and invasion assays, and by immunoblotting and confocal microscopy analysis of vesicular H+-ATPase expression, thus revealing tissue-specific colon MSCs affected by tissue exosomes from primary or metastatic colon cancer. This provides ideas for inhibiting the release of exosomes to interfere with cancer progression.

Colon Cancer Tissue Exosomes for Diagnosis

The advantages of colorectal cancer tissue exosomes as biomarkers are beneficial for diagnosing colon cancer staging and assessing prognosis, which can be deciphered by RNA sequencing, proteomics, metabolomics, and differential expression analysis of colon cancer tissue exosomes cargos. One study identified that six miRNAs were expressed at abnormal levels in colorectal cancer exosomes, suggesting that their miRNA cargos may be candidate markers for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer. For example, colorectal cancer exosomes expressed elevated miR-21, while the high expression of miR-19a indicated a poor prognosis. The specificity and sensitivity of colorectal cancer diagnosis are improved by identifying tissue-specific exosomes for the disease with the aid of an exosome-based diagnostic platform.

Crosstalk of exosomes in colon cancer.Fig.1 Crosstalk of exosomes in colon cancer. (Wang, 2020)

Overall, tissue exosomes play an imperative role in colon cancer development, progression, and metastasis. Creative Biolabs has built an innovative exosome profiling platform to provide research services to support the isolation, physicochemical characterization, and functional assays of colon cancer tissue exosomes. Please contact us to create a custom quote.


  1. Wang, M.; et al. Crosstalk among colon cancer-derived exosomes, fibroblast-derived exosomes, and macrophage phenotypes in colon cancer metastasis. Int Immunopharmacol. 2020, 81: 106298.
For Research Use Only. Cannot be used by patients.
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