Cereal-derived Exosome Research and Applications

Cereal-derived exosomes have been found to carry a variety of unique components from donor cereals that facilitate the delivery of functional effects in target tissues. Creative Biolabs can provide a comprehensive range of research services related to cereal-derived exosomes to assist clients in advancing projects on exosomes derived from a wide range of cereal species.

Features of Cereal-derived Exosomes

  • Small size. Cereal-derived exosomes typically have small particle sizes (~30-150 nm) that can be propagated to other cells by fluid circulation within the organism.
  • Compositional diversity. The composition of cereal-derived exosomes is diverse and can vary depending on the type and state of the cereal from which they are derived.
  • Carrying specific functional components. Cereal-derived exosomes carry a variety of functional components from their donor cereal - e.g., oat exosomes carry β-glucan and corn exosomes carry zeaxanthin - that can trigger specific biological effects in target cells.

Multiple Cereal-derived Exosome Research and Applications

Cereal Exosome Research
Wheat-derived Exosome Wheat-derived exosomes can be isolated from young wheat grasses by chemical sedimentation combined with centrifugation. Assays of human dermal fibroblasts, human umbilical vein endothelial cells, and human immortalized epidermal cells treated with wheat-derived exosomes revealed the positive effects of wheat-derived exosomes in promoting cell migration and angiogenesis in wound healing.
Oat-derived Exosome Oat-derived exosomes were found to alter the dectin-1 sorting pathway via β-glucan/hippocalcin/Rab11a, thereby inhibiting dectin-1-mediated inflammatory responses in microglia. Through this cascade reaction, oat-derived exosomes were shown to protect neuronal cells from alcohol stimulation and improve brain memory function in mouse models.
Tartary Buckwheat-derived Exosome Tartary buckwheat-derived exosomes are loaded with a variety of functional components of buckwheat origin, on the one hand, by regulating the ordering structure of starch and enzyme activity to delay starch digestion, on the other hand, can deliver miRNAs to regulate the growth of intestinal microbial growth in order to increase the diversity of the flora. These show the benefits of buckwheat-derived exosomes in improving the digestive system.
Buckwheat-derived Exosome Buckwheat-derived exosomes may be rich in active ingredients from buckwheat, such as flavonoids, steroids, vitamins, and buckwheat proteins. Their pharmacological effects in regulating the gastrointestinal environment and beneficial metabolism are still subject to more in-depth investigation.
Corn-derived Exosome Corn-derived exosome has been observed to release the pro-inflammatory factor TNF-α by activating immune cells, thereby effectively suppressing tumors. In addition, PEG modification can further facilitate the anti-tumor activity of corn-derived exosomes by enhancing the retention of corn-derived exosomes in target tissues.

Possible physiological effects of food-derived exosomes. (Munir, et al., 2020)Fig. 1 Possible physiological effects of food-derived exosomes.1

Creative Biolabs has accumulated insights into the production and research of exosomes from various cereal sources and has a proven exosome research system to provide reliable research services related to cereal-derived exosomes. Please contact us with your interest.


  1. Munir, Javaria, Mihye Lee, and Seongho Ryu. "Exosomes in food: Health benefits and clinical relevance in diseases." Advances in Nutrition 11.3 (2020): 687-696.
For Research Use Only. Cannot be used by patients.
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