Exosomal Small RNA/miRNA Sequencing

Exosomal small RNA or miRNAs are considered to be valuable biomarkers in the early diagnosis of multiple diseases, especially in cancers. As a world-leading services provider, Creative Biolabs spares no effort to provide professional and high-quality exosomal small RNA/miRNA sequencing services to fully characterize the value of exosomal miRNA in disease diagnosis.

The Roles of Exosomal Small RNA/miRNA

Almost all cells in our body produce and release diverse types of nano-sized membrane-bound extracellular vesicles, among which the vesicles ranging about 30-100 nm in diameter are commonly known as exosomes. The exosome is a cup-like shaped bilayer lipid vesicle, originating from the endocytosis of the multi-vesicular bodies or direct outward budding of the cell membrane. Consequently, exosomes carry a complex range of cellular cargoes, mainly including functional proteins, abundant nucleic acids, lipids, metabolites, etc., which directly or indirectly reflect the composition, bio functions, and sorting mechanisms of donor cells.

As the study developed in-depth, various RNAs, including coding and non-coding RNAs (e.g., mRNAs, microRNAs, small nucleolar RNA, and other types of small RNAs), have been isolated and identified from exosomes. Among these identified exosomal RNAs, microRNAs (miRNAs), a group of non-coding small RNAs with about 19-25 nucleotides, could be transferred between cells with exosomes and taken up by neighboring cells or distant cells. These exosomal miRNAs have been proven to exert significant roles in the regulation of a series of biological activities, such as intracell communication and gene expression, as well as pathological processes.

The sorting mechanism of exosomal miRNA. Fig.1 The sorting mechanism of exosomal miRNA. (Sun, 2018)

Exosomal Small RNA/miRNA Sequencing

Increasing investigations have indicated that exosomal miRNAs played nonnegligible actions in the occurrence and development of a variety of diseases. They are recognized as promising biomarkers for early and invasive diagnosis as well as promising targets for therapeutic applications, particularly for cancers. Thus, a comprehensive and accurate understanding of exosomal miRNAs can provide a valuable reference to noninvasive diagnosis and better prognosis of human diseases, even effective therapy development.

As gene sequencing technology progresses, next-generation sequencing here is a convenient and powerful method for exosomal miRNA detection and analysis. Exosomes carrying disease-related miRNAs or termed exosomal miRNA biomarkers can be distinguished and identified by comparing the exosomal miRNA sequencing from diseased individuals and healthy subjects. Specifically, exosomal small RNA or miRNA sequencing is capable of providing precise information on the quantity and composition of exosomal miRNAs, even if they differ in only one nucleotide.

The different microRNA expression profiles between parental cells and exosomes Fig.2 e 1. The different microRNA expression profiles between parental cells and exosomes. (Huang, 2018)

Exosomal small RNA/miRNA Sequencing Services at Creative Biolabs

As a biotechnology company equipped with the latest world-leading technology platforms and professional scientific staff, Creative Biolabs provides qualified and comprehensive exosomal small RNA/miRNA sequencing services to advance the development of exosome-based drug discovery. Our one-stop exosomal small RNA/miRNA sequencing service workflow is mainly as follows:

Exosomal Small RNA/miRNA Sequencing

Please refer to our sequencing workflow, and feel free to contact us, our experienced technicians will give you the most detailed answers to your questions.


  1. Sun, Z.Q.; et al. Effect of exosomal miRNA on cancer biology and clinical applications. Molecular Cancer. 2018, 17: 147.
  2. Huang, Q.; et al. Characterization of selective exosomal microRNA expression profile derived from laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma detected by next generation sequencing. Oncology reports. 2018, 40(5): 2584-2594.
For Research Use Only. Cannot be used by patients.
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