Tumor and Cancer-Targeted Exosome Modification Services

With signaling from membrane-located peptides and adhesion molecules, exosomes are believed to function as signalosomes for next-generation nanodrug delivery systems. Improving the targeting and therapeutic application of exosomes to tumors and cancers is the focus of current research on delivery systems. Creative Biolabs with a long-term commitment to optimizing exosome delivery to tumors and cancers has accumulated extensive insights into the tissue distribution, payload, and spatiotemporal fate of exosomes after systemic administration. Our specialist scientist team can offer exosome modification strategies and services relevant to a wide range of tumor and cancer targeting.

Overview of Exosomes for Tumor and Cancer Targeting

Since reporting their discovery during reticulocyte maturation, the function of exosomes in participating in organic physiology and pathology has gained the attention of researchers. Exosomes mediate the contactless exchange of substances and information among cells through various pathways including endocrine, paracrine, and distal communication. The biological processes that have been shown to be engaged involve proliferation, growth, infection and immunity, and the actions within these processes are largely dependent on the production source and environment. Until now, the interest in exosomes has extended to evaluating their value in target distribution and therapeutic development in tumors and cancers. It is unfortunate that natural exosomes still have a suboptimal short circulating half-life and low targeting efficiency in the delivery to tumors and cancers due to the heterogeneous endothelial gap and inadequate blood perfusion in the focal area. The ability of exosomes to be engineered to target tumors and cancers enhances their effective on-target delivery to focal sites.

The preparation and application of exosomes and exosome-mimics as drug delivery vehicles for cancer therapy.Fig.1 The preparation and application of exosomes and exosome-mimics as drug delivery vehicles for cancer therapy. (Yang, 2022)

Exosome Modification Strategies for Tumor and Cancer Targeting at Creative Biolabs

Optimizing membrane properties by altering and modifying exosome components is the primary strategy for tumor- and cancer-targeted exosome production at Creative Biolabs. On the one hand, passive enrichment of exosomes based on enhanced EPR effects is a prerequisite for subsequent targeting of specific focal lesion cells. Specifically, prolonging the circulating half-life is realized by increasing the display of components related to anti-phagocytosis and anti-clearance properties on the exosome membrane surface. On the other hand, the cell-specific uptake of exosomes is manipulated by increasing the ligands on the exosome membrane surface that bind to specific cell surface highly expressed or particular proteins in diseased cells or TME. Besides, it is also feasible to alter the transcriptome of donor cells by modification, given that donor cells have the ability to affect the tissue-homing properties of exosomes as well. These potentially modifiable components on exosomes involve multiple types, including antibodies, proteins, peptides, ligand-based nucleic acids, and small molecules, facilitating the overcoming of continuous barriers to targeted delivery of exosomes to focal regions.

Drug loading strategies of exosomes and exosome-mimics.Fig.2 Drug loading strategies of exosomes and exosome-mimics. (Yang, 2022)

Exosome Modification Services for Tumor and Cancer Targeting at Creative Biolabs

Creative Biolabs has established a comprehensive platform of services to modify engineered exosomes to target tumors and cancers. On the one hand, we conclude the exosome production sources to screen the appropriate production cell lines for matching the desired information of the investigational target. As well, the obtained exosomes are subjected to adequate endogenous component profiling and effectiveness assessment. On the other hand, we are flexible in providing customized research services for exosome modification according to the requirements of multiple types of tumors and cancer-specific targeting in diseases including but not limited to:

With a profound understanding of the potential mechanisms of exosome selective targeting and the biological feature of diseased tissues and their microenvironment, the emerging strategy for the discovery of exosome-based disease therapies is to adopt as multiple modifications as possible to achieve a synergistic combination of passive enrichment, active targeting, and enhanced internalization. With a long-term approach to screening exosomes for enhanced focal tissue deposition and payload delivery, Creative Biolabs provides clients with exosome modification-related services targeting a diverse range of tumors and cancers, facilitating progress in research for the rational design of exosome delivery tools. Please feel free to contact us for a quote.


  1. Yang, F.; et al. Exosomes and mimics as novel delivery platform for cancer therapy. Front Pharmacol. 2022, 13:1001417.
For Research Use Only. Cannot be used by patients.
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