The first step for drug discovery is target identification. Creative Biolabs provides the world's leading target screening, structural characterization, and functional profiling services for identifying potential drug targets.
A lethal drug should have the desired activity for inactivating targets but with low host toxicity. Therefore, a suitable target should meet the following criteria:
For a given target, their structures, roles in a cell and key molecular pathways need to be fully tested to confirm its actual role in a given disease.
To assist our clients' specific objectives of antifungal drug discovery, Creative Biolabs is proud to offer the most comprehensive services list which has covered each essential milestone. We offer target identification and validation service for several disease models, such as antifungal drugs. On the other hand, our Ph.D. level research group is also confident in tailoring the one-stop target identification and validation service to achieve your goals in a high-quality, reliable and cost-effective manner.
Creative Biolabs offers different possibilities for fungal whole genome sequencing to help you investigate key fungal genes and characterize specific gene functions for target identification and validation process.
Creative Biolabs' computer-aided target identification and validation service uses sophisticated chemistry simulation software to help identify and confirm therapeutic targets.
Creative Biolabs provides gene expression profiling service to identify novel antifungal drug targets. It is a genome-wide transcriptome analysis at DNA and RNA levels.
Knowing the cellular targets of a drug is crucial for the process of drug discovery. Creative Biolabs offers a full spectrum of target identification service associated with bioactive antifungal natural compounds.
Creative Biolabs can help you screen and validate potential targets by using several gene manipulation methods related to genome editing and gene silencing.
With years of drug discovery experience, Creative Biolabs can offer high-quality structure determination services to meet all your requirements.
Creative Biolabs can provide custom tailored functional analysis services with several strategies based on the advanced target ID and validation platform.
Creative Biolabs provides early in vivo proof of concept models, which can quickly adapt to your preferred strains and species and provide key data for target genes.
Creative Biolabs has developed a top class drug discovery platform to identify new drug targets for infectious fungi, particularly cell wall targets.
Creative Biolabs has developed an extensive and comprehensive strategy for the identification of biomarkers related to pathogens by ORFeome phage display.
Immunotherapy comes in a variety of forms and is a potential strategy to treat all cancers. Creative Biolabs leverages different platforms for target discovery and provides more momentum for cancer immunotherapy.
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