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> Recombinant Anti-CD30 x Anti-CD64 Bispecific Antibody (Diabody)
Recombinant Anti-CD30 x Anti-CD64 Bispecific Antibody (Diabody) (CAT#: BSDB-110)
Recombinant Anti-CD30 x Anti-CD64 Bispecific Antibody (Diabody) is designed to be expressed as two polypeptide chains respectively. The two chains are cross-over pairing to form a dimer. It contains a His-tag for affinity purification. This BsAb can retarget neutrophilscells to tumor cells. It is designed for the research of Neuroblastoma; Osteosarcoma; Hodgkin lymphoma; T cell lymphoma; Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) therapy.
FCGR1A; Fc fragment of IgG receptor Ia; CD64; FCRI; CD64A; IGFR1; Cluster of Differentiation 64; FcγRI; FCGR1B; FCGR1C; immunoglobulin G Fc receptor high affinity I; Fc gamma RI
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