Creative Biolabs is a world-class leader in the in vitro diagnostics (IVD) market and with years of proven expertise in IVD antibody and kits development, such as latex particle-enhanced turbidimetric immunoassay-based kits. Moreover, there are lots of professional scientists in biomedical fields and experienced staff operating experimental processes and machines to achieving clients’ requirements on their projects.

Latex Particle-enhanced Turbidimetric Immunoassay

LETIA Based Kits Development - Creative Biolabs

Routinely, the turbidimetric immunoassay is applicable to quantify serum concentration of proteins. Latex-particle enhancement of this type of assay, latex particle-enhanced turbidimetric immunoassay (LETIA or LTIA), has been primarily correlated with increased sensitivity. LETIA consists of latices coated with antibodies that react with a specific analyte that can be used to associate the triggered particle aggregation with the concentration of an analyte by means of a fast and easy detection, such as turbidimetry. This technique has a high degree of automation and is efficient in the measurement, as well as suitable for a large clinical analysis. Notably, the LETIA assay is much faster and convenient than enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and suitable for clinical sample testing.

LETIA-based Kits Development

Covalent coupling of an antibody to a latex particle provides other advantages that are pertinent in the measurement of high analyte concentrations. A recent report describes the development of a latex-particle-enhanced and a non-enhanced turbidimetric assay to measure serum IgG through a normal antibody with IgG as a model analyte. Both methods reveal adequate analytical recovery and parallelism, meanwhile, the results compare well with that by rate nephelometry. The LETIA has equivalent sensitivity, interassay precision, and working range, but extremely greater calibration stability and signal change than the non-enhanced assay.

Fig.1 A schematic depicting a potential mechanism by which antibodies interfere with particle-enhanced turbidimetric immunoassays.Fig.1 Schematic illustrating one possible mechanism of how antibody interferes with particle-enhanced turbidimetric immunoassays.1

In most studies, the measurement of molecules in plasma, serum, and urine samples has been accomplished with either ELISA or immunoblotting systems. But these technologies have several inevitable drawbacks that make it difficult to obtain the reliable results and accurate evaluation of measurements.

In order to evaluate the analytical performance of experimental data, Creative Biolabs offers LETIA-based kits and related development services by our advanced experimental facilities and automatic platforms. Commercial kits can be applied in IVD fields for determining the diagnosis upon different medical conditions and promoting basic biological research and clinical practice. For more detailed information, please feel free to contact us.

Published Data

1. Development of Three Monoclonal Antibodies Based Automatic LETIA

Fig.2 The good linear correlation for the LETIA/LTIA based on three monoclonal antibodies.Fig.2 Linearity of LETIA/LTIA.2,4

The recently introduced LETIA method, licensed for use in automated clinical chemistry analyzers, has not been extensively evaluated for its analytical performance using three monoclonal antibodies for Golgi protein 73 (GP73) measurement. Researchers developed a LETIA using latex beads immobilized with three GP73 monoclonal antibodies, optimizing experimental conditions and comparing its diagnostic potential, clinical relevance, and linearity to a polyclonal antibody-based LETIA and ELISA. The LETIA with monoclonal antibodies produced a calibration curve ranging from 10 to 350 ng/mL, while the polyclonal version ranged from 20 to 320 ng/mL. The detection limit was 1.82 ng/mL, with within-run CV between 1.5-2.9%. ROC analysis showed that the monoclonal antibody-based LETIA had sensitivity and specificity of 96.7% and 93.3%, outperforming the polyclonal LETIA (94.6% and 72.4%) and ELISA (70.0% and 83.3%), making it suitable for GP73 quantification in automated analyzers.

2. Bioinformatical Design and Performance Evaluation of Particle Enhanced Turbidimetric Immunoassay Based on a Nucleocapsid- and an RBD

Fig.3 The S-RBD-based PETIA was used to evaluate the variant cross-reactivity of SARS-CoV-2.Fig.3 Evaluation of variant cross-reactivity via S-RBD-based PETIA.3,4

Researchers developed a bioinformatics-based approach to design two novel serological particle enhanced turbidimetric immunoassays (PETIA) for quantifying the SARS-CoV-2 immune response. They produced an S-RBD-based and a nucleocapsid-based PETIA and compared their sensitivity and specificity using 95 patient samples on an automated analyzer. The S-RBD-based PETIA demonstrated superior specificity over the N protein-based assay. Additionally, the reactivity and cross-reactivity of the RBD-based PETIA against variant-derived antibodies were assessed using a quenching inhibition test. This study highlights it is possible to rapidly design and develop specific and robust PETIA, which is crucial to address the continuous diagnostic challenges posed by the evolving variants of concern (VOC) during the progression of the pandemic.


  1. Daly, Marie-Louise, et al. "A 58-year-old woman with abdominal symptoms and elevated C-reactive protein." PLoS Medicine 5.7 (2008): e149.

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