HCFC1 and Associated Diseases

Creative Biolabs is an innovative and experienced provider of gene therapy development solutions. We leverage our state-of-the-art R&D expertise to help our customers develop outstanding products that deliver real value to consumers. Our expertise is accomplished by a team of strategic advisors and technical advisors, who are among the most renowned experts in their respective fields. They provide the right support and expertise for every different stage of our project development.

Backgrounds of HCFC1

HCFC1 is a transcriptional coregulator that interacts with a variety of proteins, including transcription factors, to regulate different biological processes such as cell proliferation, migration, and cell death. It was originally discovered as a host transcription factor during the latent reactivation of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) infection. However, HCFC1 is not a traditional transcription factor because it lacks a DNA binding domain and requires interaction with other proteins to regulate the expression of downstream effectors. The HCFC1 protein has several conserved protein domains, including a kelch protein interaction domain, a fibronectin domain, and an HCF domain that contains cleavage sites that facilitate protein processing and function. This protein is essential for cell viability and exhibits similar activity in many species.

Schematic representation of an HCFC1-containing transcription initiation complex. Fig.1 Schematic representation of an HCFC1-containing transcription initiation complex. (Michaud, 2013)

Functions of HCFC1

HCFC1 is known to interact with diverse proteins to regulate a variety of processes, including the cell cycle, proliferation, and transcription, and exerts control on targets through THAPs, specifically THAP11. Thus, mutations that interfere with the interaction between HCFC1 and its transcriptional regulatory partners may affect the expression of a large number of downstream effectors. The discovery of variants in the regulatory regions of HCFC1 as a possible cause of nonsyndromic intellectual disability has implicated HCFC1 in brain development and function. HCFC1 is also a key transcriptional coactivator of the retinoblastoma protein, a potent inhibitor of S-phase genes. The location of HCFC1 on human chromosome X, combined with the existence of several males with apparent cblC deficiency and no MMACHC mutations, led us to predict that this disorder might represent an X-linked disorder affecting males.

Mutations in the HCFC1 Gene and Associated Diseases

Variants of HCFC1 lead to various neurological phenotypes. Mutation of HCFC1, either in cblX or related syndromes, is associated with severe neurological defects, intractable epilepsy, and neural development defects, including intellectual disability. Multiple SNPs within HCFC1 were identified, suggesting HCFC1 can be related to Meniere’s disease (MD) pathogenesis. The linkage disequilibrium between sequence variations in HCFC1 and MD predicts this gene may be involved in disease pathogenesis.

Creative Biolabs is the premier provider of contract services in the United States. We constantly challenge ourselves and innovate. Our experienced R&D team provides all the support you need during the development process of your product. Contact us to discuss your next gene therapy project and we would be happy to discuss your goals so that we can determine which methods and techniques can best be used to get the most reliable answers most effectively.


  1. Michaud, J.; et al. HCFC1 is a common component of active human CpG-island promoters and coincides with ZNF143, THAP11, YY1, and GABP transcription factor occupancy. Genome research. 2013, 23(6): 907-916.
For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.