Rodent models of Central Nervous System (CNS) disorders are widely used to explore pathology and molecular mechanisms, identify potential biomarkers, and to assess the therapeutic utility and estimate safety margins of new disease-specific drugs. As a leading CRO for CNS drug development, Creative Biolabs has developed an array of models of neurodegenerative diseases and neurological indications to screen compounds or to perform an in-depth characterization of your molecule's efficacy. Moreover, a broad range of end-point analyzing tools has been developed, including behavioral tests, molecular biology and biochemical assays, and histological and morphological assays.

Available Models

CNS disease models provided by Creative Biolabs can be divided into the following groups: neurology, psychiatry, pain, and rare and orphan. These models cover chemically-induced, surgical, genetically engineered, and spontaneous models. They are fitted for screening or testing disease-modifying drug or compounds acting on symptomatic effects.

Behavioral Testing

Behavioral testing is useful in evaluating the effect of drugs on neurological disorders. Creative Biolabs offers a wide range of behavioral tests for the purposes of testing drug efficacy and toxicity, including tests for assessment of motor function, learning and memory, social behavior, anxiety, depression, pain, etc. The behavior of rodents is recorded using automated systems or manually, followed by analysis by trained scientists.

  • Motor function: Rotarod test, open filed, grip strength, beam walking, pole test, wire suspension test, cylinder test
  • Cognition: Morris water task, radial arm maze, Y maze, novel object recognition task, fear conditioning test, passive avoidance test
  • Social behavior: three-chamber social test, tube test, olfactory habituation/dishabituation test, ultrasonic vocalization test
  • Drug abuse liability: conditioned place reference, drug discrimination, intravenous self-administration, drug dependence liability, locomotor sensitization
  • Anxiety: elevated plus maze, marble burying, light/dark box test
  • Depression: forced swim test, tail suspension test
  • Pain: thermal hyperalgesia (paw-flick test; Hargreaves test), mechanical hyperalgesia (Randall-Selitto paw pressure test; pin prick test), mechano-tactile allodynia (Von Frey fiber), cold allodynia (the acetone test)

Biochemical & Histological Analysis

  • Quantification of mRNA and protein level with RT-PCR, WB, ELISA, immunostaining.
  • Histochemical staining for quantitative analysis of pathological features of Striatum, Substantia Nigra, etc.
  • Immunohistochemically analysis for quantification of neuron loss.
  • Administration methods: systemic (intramuscular, intraperitoneal, subcutaneous, intravenous, oral), IntraCerebroVentricular (ICV), stereotaxic surgery.
  • Electrophysiology and electroencephalograph (EEG)

Creative Biolabs provides the most cost- and time-effective preclinical services, with the highest standards of quality and accuracy. We take a hands-on approach and we collaborate with our clients to learn their specific preclinical study requirements. A group of scientists will be assigned to assist them to determine the most suitable model to use and tailor study-specific protocols to maximize the results with minimal resources. Contact us to discuss your research needs and experience the great value of our services.

For Research Use Only.

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