Human Complement C3 Convertase ELISA Kit-CTK-189(Cat#: CTK-189)

This product is an ELISA kit for the determination of Human Complement C3 Convertase. It is highly sensitive and available for the detection of Human Complement C3 Convertase as low as 0.142 ng/mL.

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Assay Type Sandwich ELISA
Sensitivity 0.142 ng/mL (0.312-20 ng/mL)
Species Reactivity Human
Target C3 Convertase
Applications ELISA
Storage The storage of components varies. Please refer to the instructions for details.
Introduction Complement C3 convertase is a kind of serine protease that is usually composed of C3bBb in the alternative pathway and C4bC2b in the classical and lectin pathway of the complement system. C3 convertase usually functions by catalyzing the proteolytic cleavage of C3 into C3a and C3b. C3 convertase is a critical part of the complement system which eventuate in opsonisation of particles, release of inflammatory peptides, C5 convertase formation and cell lysis.

Customer Review

Impressive kit for measuring C3 convertase levels
This ELISA kit worked like a charm in our lab. We obtained reproducible data with minimal variation between samples. Very satisfied with the quality and ease of use.
Great customer service
The customer service was exceptional. They assisted us in troubleshooting and provided valuable insights into optimizing our experimental setup with the kit.
A reliable choice for research purposes
We've been using this kit for years now, and it's consistently delivered accurate results. It's definitely worth the investment for anyone studying complement biology.
It's robust and delivers reliable data every time
This ELISA kit stands out for its reliability and ease of use. It's helped streamline our experiments, and the data output is always consistent and reproducible.
For Research Use Only. Not for Diagnostic or Therapeutic Applications.
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