Human Complement C3B ELISA Kit-CTK-163(Cat#: CTK-163)

This product is an ELISA kit for the determination of Human Complement C3B in the samples of Serum, Plasma, Cell Culture, Urine, Saliva, Milk, CSF. It is highly sensitive and available for the detection of Human Complement C3B as low as 0.1 ng/mL.

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Summary Related Products & Services
Assay Type Sandwich ELISA
Sensitivity 0.1 ng/mL (0.156-10 ng/mL)
Pack Size 96 tests
Species Reactivity Human
Target C3b
Applications ELISA
Storage The storage of components varies. Please refer to the instructions for details.
Introduction Complement C3B, along with C3A, are proteins released from cleavage of complement C3 protein. C3B also is a part of C3 convertase and C5 convertase. C3B is potent in opsonization: tagging pathogens, antigen-antibody complexes, and apoptotic cells for phagocytosis, which plays a critical role in the complement system and the innate immune system.
For Research Use Only. Not for Diagnostic or Therapeutic Applications.
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