Ion Exchange Chromatography-Based Separation of MBL Oligomers Protocol

Mannan-binding lectin (MBL) refers to an oligomeric protein in the innate immune system. In recent years, two procedures for the fractionation of MBL oligomers have been established. Classical affinity chromatography can be applied to enrich the abundance of large MBL oligomers, while large-volume ion exchange chromatography has been used for the separation of MBL oligomers into fractions with an enhanced size homogeneity. Here, Creative Biolabs describes the novel ion exchange chromatography-based separation of MBL oligomers protocol to promote your research.

Ion Exchange Chromatography-Based Separation of MBL Oligomers Protocol

Flow chart of ion exchange chromatography-based separation of MBL oligomers protocol. Fig.1 Flow chart of ion exchange chromatography-based separation of MBL oligomers protocol. (Creative Biolabs)

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