Ficolin-3-Pathway of Complement Analysis Protocol

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H-Ficolin, also known as Ficolin-3, Hakata antigen, heat-resistant β-2 macro glycoprotein, is one of the lectins involved in innate immunity in human serum. Ficolin-3 recognizes acetyl groups and binds to acetylated carbohydrates on the surface of pathogens to activate the complement system in an antibody-independent manner. In addition, studies have also shown that Ficolin-3 interacts with specific polysaccharide or lipopolysaccharide components of certain pathogenic microorganisms. The Ficolin-3 component in serum can form a complex with MASP and its truncated protein. Using this property, Ficolin-3 can be purified from serum as a complex. Here, we briefly summarize the protocol for assessing the complement activation function of the ficolin-3-dependent lectin pathway, and provide simple technical references for your related research.

Ficolin-3-Pathway of Complement Analysis Protocol

The flow of ficolin-3-pathway of complement analysis protocol. (Creative Biolabs Original) Fig 1. The flow of ficolin-3-pathway of complement analysis protocol. (Creative Biolabs)

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