
Monocyte Products

All products and services are For Research Use Only and CANNOT be used in the treatment or diagnosis of disease.

Monocytes are a distinct type of white blood cell (leukocyte) that circulate throughout your body and destroy infected cells as well as harmful microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungus, and protozoa). They function in the innate defense response. Following a certain duration, monocytes get shipped by the circulatory system to many organs and tissues, including the liver, spleen, bone marrow, and lung. Upon the invasion of a pathogenic microorganism into the human body, monocytes undergo a transformation into either macrophages or dendritic cells, which have the capability to either eliminate the foreign entity or communicate with other blood cells in order to facilitate its eradication and further prevent the onset of infection. Several health disorders may lead to an abnormal monocyte count, either excessively low or excessively high, which is closely linked to the body's immune response.

Monocytes are involved in protection against malaria Fig.1 Monocytes are involved in protection against malaria.1

Types of Monocytes

Monocytes are roughly categorized into three subsets: classical, intermediate, and non-classical. Different types of monocytes display enormous functional and surface protein expression diversity.

  • Classical monocytes: Approximately 80% of the total monocyte population in the body are classical monocytes, which excel in phagocytosis, migration, and innate immune responses. Additionally, they may switch into macrophages after migrating through tissues, or develop into DCs to connect the innate and adaptive immune responses. Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs), which foster tumor cell proliferation and seeding, are thought to originate mostly from classical monocytes.
  • Intermediate monocytes: Intermediate monocytes are highly specialized in antigen presentation and have an increased capability for secreting inflammatory mediators. In comparison to classical monocytes, they exhibit similar levels of ROS generation and phagocytosis potential, as well as decreased adherence to surfaces but a greater expression in class II molecules and IL-12 production.
  • Non-classical monocytes: Non-classical monocytes play a role in FcR-mediated phagocytosis and contribute to the anti-viral responses. These cells have functions that oppose classical monocytes and facilitate neutrophil adhesion at the endothelial interface by secreting TNF-α.

Functions of Monocytes

Monocytes are the most massive cells in the blood and serve various functions, including:

  • Phagocytosis and Clearance: Monocytes are capable of actively deforming and have powerful phagocytic functions. They can effectively engulf various substances such as general bacteria, tissue fragments, aging red blood cells, and intracellular bacteria.
  • Immune Response: Monocytes engulf antigens and then deliver the antigenic determinants they possess to lymphocytes, triggering distinct immunological responses in the latter.
  • Against Disease-causing Bacteria and Parasites: Monocytes serve as the main cellular defense system against intracellular bacteria and parasites that cause diseases.
  • Recognize and Kill Tumor Cells: Monocytes may perform functions associated with malignancies and the malignant tendencies of lymphocytes, a kind of white blood cell. In addition, monocytes have the ability to directly eliminate cancerous cells by engaging in phagocytosis and releasing tumoricidal mediators.

Monocytes Cells at Creative Biolabs

The broadening grasp on monocyte cell biology has shed light on new therapeutic possibilities. To facilitate the conversion of monocyte cell research into clinical applications, Creative Biolabs provides several available ready-to-use monocyte cell products with strict quality control for global customers. Please feel free to contact us and welcome to inquire about the desired products and place an order.


  1. Chua, Caroline Lin Lin, et al. "Monocytes and macrophages in malaria: protection or pathology?" Trends in parasitology 29.1 (2013): 26-34.
  • Monocytes, Donor 5 (ICZP088)

    • Gender: Male
    • Donor Health: Healthy
    • HLA Type: HLAA: 02:01,68; HLAB: 08,35; HLAC: 04,07; HLADRβ 1: 03:01,04:01
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  • Monocytes, Donor 4 (ICZP087)

    • Gender: Male
    • Donor Health: Healthy
    • HLA Type: HLAA: 02:01,68:01; HLAB: 39:01,40:01; HLAC: 03:19,07:02; HLADRβ 1: 04:03,08:01
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  • Monocytes, Donor 3 (ICZP086)

    • Gender: Female
    • Donor Health: Healthy
    • HLA Type: HLAA: 02:01,31:01; HLAB: 15:01,57:01; HLAC: 03:03,06:02; HLADRβ 1: 15:01,13:01
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  • Monocytes, Donor 1 (ICZP084)

    • Gender: Female
    • Donor Health: Healthy
    • HLA Type: HLAA: 03,26; HLAB: 35,51; HLAC: 01,04; HLADRβ 1: 01,07
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  • Monocytes, Donor 2 (ICZP085)

    • Gender: Male
    • Donor Health: Healthy
    • HLA Type: HLAA: 02:01,24:02; HLAB: 07:02,15:01; HLAC: 03,05; HLADRβ 1: 04:01,13:01
  •   Add to Cart   Datasheet
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