All products and services are For Research Use Only and CANNOT be used in the treatment or diagnosis of disease.
As the leading cell therapeutics biotech that provides cell therapy related services, Creative Biolabs is one of the only companies that provides lentiviral & retroviral custom virus packaging services for your CAR or TCR expression vectors. Our viral packaging services ranging from small-scale lentivirus packaging for in vitro assay, to large-scale lentivirus packaging for in vivo animal studies.
Custom Lentivirus Vector Design
Creative Biolabs provides a wide range of customized lentiviral cloning services at a reasonable cost and fast turnaround time. Our experienced scientists are ready to solve difficult cloning projects, including large or toxic clones or clones with high GC content or highly repetitive sequences. Please contact us to provide details of your CAR or TCR project, our team will contact you as soon as possible, and provide the estimated price and turnaround time.
Custom Viral Particle Packaging
With years of experience and expertise in the CART field, we provide custom high-quality viral particle packaging services, such as CAR viral particle packaging and TCR viral particle packaging, as well as a series of ready-to-use viral particle products, covering CAR virus particles and TCR virus particles with high-titer and purity. For every recombinant virus particle product produced by Creative Biolabs, we perform strict quality control and high-delivery standards, including virus titer measurements, mycoplasma testing, and sterility testing for bacteria and fungi. In addition, we are committed to providing ultra-purified virus particle products to meet global customers' various needs, and additional quality control services are available upon request. Based on our quality assurance, many customers feedback us that our virus particle products have good results to meet their needs. If you are interested in our custom viral particle packaging services, please feel free to contact us or send us an inquiry. You can also customize your desired CAR product through our user-friendly software platform: Build Your Own CAR(T).
Quality Control
We use proven assay methods to measure the virus titer of all lentiviral packaging services. By using RT-qPCR, titration was performed with primers targeting long inverted terminal repeats (LTR) present in the viral genome, and quantified by comparison with a standard curve of plasmid samples of known concentration. Then, we use the formula to convert to functional titer (IFU/mL). If you wish to add any other quality control services (such as mycoplasma testing, endotoxin testing, and sterility testing) to your lentivirus packaging order, please contact us for more information.
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LEARN MORE NEWSLETTERCellRapeutics™ In Vivo Cell Engineering: One-stop in vivo T/B/NK cell and macrophage engineering services covering vectors construction to function verification.
LEARN MORE SOLUTIONSilence™ CAR-T Cell: A novel platform to enhance CAR-T cell immunotherapy by combining RNAi technology to suppress genes that may impede CAR functionality.
LEARN MORE NOVEL TECHNOLOGYCanine CAR-T Therapy Development: From early target discovery, CAR design and construction, cell culture, and transfection, to in vitro and in vivo function validation.