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Rat RT1 Genotyping Service

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With unrivaled expertise and experiences in various immunotherapy discovery and development, Creative Biolabs is confident in providing an integrated solution for rat RT1 genotyping service to best suit your program requirements.


The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) plays a crucial role in mediating immune responses, susceptibility to certain diseases, and tissue incompatibility. As an experimental model for transplantation and experimental autoimmune diseases, rat has a long study history. In these two fields, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of rat, the RT1 complex, plays a leading role.

The RT1 complex of rats consists of 4 Mb and contains at least 220 genes. There are two major classes of genes, I and II, involved in the immune response, which are both structurally and functionally different. The MHC-I molecules can be divided into classical (Ia) and non-classical (Ib) molecules. Which differ in expression patterns, polymorphisms, and functions. The classical MHC molecules are encoded the RT1-A region in the left flank of the MHC. And the nonclassical molecules are encoded the RT1-CE, RT1-N, RT1-M1, RT1- M4, RT1-M3A, RT1-M3B, and RT1-M2 regions, which next to the class II/III region. (Fig.1)

Fig.1 A comparison of human (HLA), mouse (H2), and rat (RT1) MHC complex genetics. (Rolstad, 2014)Fig.1 A comparison between the genetic organization of the human (HLA), mouse (H2), and rat (RT1) MHC complex.1

RT1 Genotyping Services

With years of experience and advanced platforms, Creative Biolabs offers high-quality, one-stop NGS-based RT1 genotyping services to help our client meet program requirements. We are dedicated to providing more comprehensive and targeted accurate genotyping analysis results and facilitating scientific research. And our scientists and technicians are experienced in every step with high dedication to ensuring accurate outcomes.

Fig.2 Our rat RT1 genotyping service flowchart. (Creative Biolabs Original)Fig.2 Flow diagram of RT1 genotyping.

Highlight Features

To offer straightforward, end-to-end rat RT1 genotyping service, our team of highly trained immunologists and technicians will provide the best service for you, and manage the entire process from sample treatment to final report delivery within a few days.

  • With high-quality systems, our team is committed to ensuring stringent QC analysis.
  • We offer various fast, reliable, and most cost-effective ways in RT1 genotyping service to fulfill your needs.
  • With extensive experience and advanced platforms, we offer high-resolution results employing high standards.

Creative Biolabs' scientists are dedicated to bringing together years of valuable experience to help our clients shorten the clinical study journey. We are committed to the RT1 genotyping service and dedicated to reducing the overall project development timeline for our clients.

For more details of our rat RT1 genotyping service, please visit our web for more information. To request other genotyping services, please reach out to our scientists to learn how we can be involved in your project.


  1. Rolstad, Bent. "The early days of NK cells: an example of how a phenomenon led to detection of a novel immune receptor system–lessons from a rat model." Frontiers in Immunology 5 (2014): 93160.
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