

All products and services are For Research Use Only and CANNOT be used in the treatment or diagnosis of disease.

Plays an important role in transactivating viral early genes as well as activating its own promoter. Targets and disrupts host PML/nuclear domain 10 (ND10). Promotes efficient viral growth by interacting with and directing host SP100 to degradation, leading to enhanced acetylation level of histones. In addition, functions in counteracting the host innate antiviral response. Inhibits the type I interferon pathway by directly interacting with and sequestrating host STAT2. Alters host cell cycle progression, probably through its interaction with host E2F1 or RB1 that overcomes the RB1-mediated repression of E2F-responsive promoters.
  • TCR Vector Products

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  • TCR Viral Particles

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CAT Product Name Target Species TCR Clone Host Species Epitope Allele Vector Type Inquiry & Datasheet
TCR-YC1230 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (13), pCDTCR1 HCMV 13 Human LSEFCRVLCCYVLEE HLA class I Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1231 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (2A), pCDTCR1 HCMV 2A Human ELRRKMMYM HLA-B8 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1232 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (2B), pCDTCR1 HCMV 2B Human ELRRKMMYM HLA-B8 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1233 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (3A), pCDTCR1 HCMV 3A Human QIKVRVDMV HLA-B8 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1234 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (3B), pCDTCR1 HCMV 3B Human QIKVRVDMV HLA-B8 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1235 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (3C), pCDTCR1 HCMV 3C Human QIKVRVDMV HLA-B8 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1236 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (3D), pCDTCR1 HCMV 3D Human QIKVRVDMV HLA-B8 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1237 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (3E), pCDTCR1 HCMV 3E Human QIKVRVDMV HLA-B8 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1238 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (3F), pCDTCR1 HCMV 3F Human QIKVRVDMV HLA-B8 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1239 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (3G), pCDTCR1 HCMV 3G Human QIKVRVDMV HLA-B8 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1240 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (3H), pCDTCR1 HCMV 3H Human QIKVRVDMV HLA-B8 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1241 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (3I), pCDTCR1 HCMV 3I Human QIKVRVDMV HLA-B8 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1242 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (CRV1-1), pCDTCR1 HCMV CRV1-1 Human CRVLCCYVL HLA-C*07:02 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1243 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (CRV1-10), pCDTCR1 HCMV CRV1-10 Human CRVLCCYVL HLA-C*07:02 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1244 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (CRV1-11), pCDTCR1 HCMV CRV1-11 Human CRVLCCYVL HLA-C*07:02 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1245 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (CRV1-8), pCDTCR1 HCMV CRV1-8 Human CRVLCCYVL HLA-C*07:02 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1246 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (CRV1-9), pCDTCR1 HCMV CRV1-9 Human CRVLCCYVL HLA-C*07:02 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1247 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (CRV2-1), pCDTCR1 HCMV CRV2-1 Human CRVLCCYVL HLA-C*07:02 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1248 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (CRV2-2), pCDTCR1 HCMV CRV2-2 Human CRVLCCYVL HLA-C*07:02 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC1249 Human anti-UL123 T cell receptor (CRV2-3), pCDTCR1 HCMV CRV2-3 Human CRVLCCYVL HLA-C*07:02 Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
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