

All products and services are For Research Use Only and CANNOT be used in the treatment or diagnosis of disease.

RNA-dependent RNA polymerase which is responsible for replication and transcription of virus RNA segments. The transcription of viral mRNAs occurs by a unique mechanism called cap-snatching. 5' methylated caps of cellular mRNAs are cleaved after 10-13 nucleotides by PA. In turn, these short capped RNAs are used as primers by PB1 for transcription of viral mRNAs. During virus replication, PB1 initiates RNA synthesis and copy vRNA into complementary RNA (cRNA) which in turn serves as a template for the production of more vRNAs.
  • TCR Vector Products

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CAT Product Name Target Species TCR Clone Host Species Epitope Allele Vector Type Inquiry & Datasheet
TCR-YC0821 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (4), pCDTCR1 IAV 4 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0822 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (523), pCDTCR1 IAV 523 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0823 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (906), pCDTCR1 IAV 906 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0824 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (1110), pCDTCR1 IAV 1110 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0825 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (1309), pCDTCR1 IAV 1309 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0826 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (1405), pCDTCR1 IAV 1405 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0827 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (1628), pCDTCR1 IAV 1628 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0828 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (1702), pCDTCR1 IAV 1702 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0829 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (1806), pCDTCR1 IAV 1806 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0830 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (1902), pCDTCR1 IAV 1902 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0831 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (2030), pCDTCR1 IAV 2030 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0832 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (2101), pCDTCR1 IAV 2101 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0833 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (2203), pCDTCR1 IAV 2203 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0834 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (2703), pCDTCR1 IAV 2703 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0835 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (2804), pCDTCR1 IAV 2804 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0836 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (2914), pCDTCR1 IAV 2914 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0837 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (2951), pCDTCR1 IAV 2951 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0838 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (2988), pCDTCR1 IAV 2988 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0839 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (3011), pCDTCR1 IAV 3011 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
TCR-YC0840 Mouse anti-PB1 T cell receptor (3016), pCDTCR1 IAV 3016 Mouse SSYRRPVGI H2-Kᵇ Lentiviral vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
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