

All products and services are For Research Use Only and CANNOT be used in the treatment or diagnosis of disease.

This gene encodes a transcription factor that contains four zinc-finger motifs at the C-terminus and a proline/glutamine-rich DNA-binding domain at the N-terminus. It has an essential role in the normal development of the urogenital system, and it is mutated in a small subset of patients with Wilms tumor. This gene exhibits complex tissue-specific and polymorphic imprinting pattern, with biallelic, and monoallelic expression from the maternal and paternal alleles in different tissues. Multiple transcript variants have been described. In several variants, there is evidence for the use of a non-AUG (CUG) translation initiation codon upstream of, and in-frame with the first AUG. Authors of PMID:7926762 also provide evidence that WT1 mRNA undergoes RNA editing in human and rat, and that this process is tissue-restricted and developmentally regulated.

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CAT Product Name Target Species Antibody Clone Antibody Host Receptor Construction Vector Type Targeting Cell Type CAR Vector Type Inquiry & Datasheet
CAR-YF036 Anti-WT1 (CBL-YF007) h(4-1BB-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human CBL-YF007 Humanized scFv-4-1BB-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-YF037 Anti-WT1 (CBL-YF007) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human CBL-YF007 Humanized scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-YF104 Anti-WT1 (CBL-YF034) h(4-1BB-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human CBL-YF034 Human scFv-4-1BB-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-YF105 Anti-WT1 (CBL-YF034) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human CBL-YF034 Human scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-ZP8586 Anti-WT1 (Aali) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human Aali Human scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-ZP8587 Anti-WT1 (Aali) h(4-1BB-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human Aali Human scFv-4-1BB-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-ZP8588 Anti-WT1 (DS3886AB) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human DS3886AB Rabbit scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-ZP8589 Anti-WT1 (DS3886AB) h(4-1BB-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human DS3886AB Rabbit scFv-4-1BB-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-ZP8590 Anti-WT1 (7G-H3) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human 7G-H3 Mouse scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-ZP8591 Anti-WT1 (7G-H3) h(4-1BB-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human 7G-H3 Mouse scFv-4-1BB-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-ZP8592 Anti-WT1 (IHC685) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human IHC685 Mouse scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-ZP8593 Anti-WT1 (IHC685) h(4-1BB-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human IHC685 Mouse scFv-4-1BB-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-ZP8594 Anti-WT1 (D8I7F) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human D8I7F Rabbit scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-ZP8595 Anti-WT1 (D8I7F) h(4-1BB-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human D8I7F Rabbit scFv-4-1BB-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-ZP8596 Anti-WT1 (1E2) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human 1E2 Mouse scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0622-ZP3312 Anti-WT1 h(VHH1-VHH2-CD28-CD3ζ) Biepitopic CAR, pCDCAR1 Human VHH1-VHH2-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T Cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0622-ZP3484 Anti-WT1 h(VHH1-VHH2-4-1BB-CD3ζ) Biepitopic CAR, pCDCAR1 VHH1-VHH2-4-1BB-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T Cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0822-YF914 Anti-Human WT1 (XW-914) h(41BB-CD3ζ) CAR IVT Plasmid, pCARIVT Human XW-914 Mouse scFv-41BB-CD3ζ In Vitro Transcription (IVT) Vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0822-YF1834 Anti-Human WT1 (XW-914) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR IVT Plasmid, pCARIVT Human XW-914 Mouse scFv-CD28-CD3ζ In Vitro Transcription (IVT) Vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0822-YF2754 Anti-Human WT1 (XW-914) h(CD28-41BB-CD3ζ) CAR IVT Plasmid, pCARIVT Human XW-914 Mouse scFv-CD28-41BB-CD3ζ In Vitro Transcription (IVT) Vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
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