

All products and services are For Research Use Only and CANNOT be used in the treatment or diagnosis of disease.

Product List Background Anti-Claudin6 CAR-T Services Anti-Claudin6 CAR-T In Vitro Assay Services Anti-Claudin6 CAR-T In Vivo Assay Services

Product List

We offer a range of high-quality Claudin6 CAR-related products and services that are instrumental in the design, development, and evaluation of CAR therapies targeting Claudin6. Please refer to the following items to choose the appropriate products that you desire.


Claudin6 is a protein that belongs to the claudin family, which are integral membrane proteins that play a critical role in the formation of tight junctions between cells. Tight junctions are specialized structures that seal the spaces between cells, regulating the passage of ions and molecules across cell layers. Claudin6 is specifically involved in the regulation of paracellular permeability in epithelial and endothelial cells, helping to maintain the barrier function of tissues and organs. Aberrant expression of claudin-6 has been associated with various diseases, including liver, ovarian, endometrial, and oesophageal cancer, and atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors. Featured with its crucial biological functions, Claudin6 has emerged as an attractive therapeutic target for many cancers.

Fig.1 qPCR expression test of Claudin6 transcripts in human normal tissues and ovarian cancer. (Reinhard, et al., 2020)

Fig.1 qPCR expression test of Claudin6 transcripts in human normal tissues and ovarian cancer.1

Associated Diseases

  • Liver Cancer
  • Ovarian Cancer
  • Endometrial Cancer
  • Others

Anti-Claudin6 CAR-T Assay Services

To accelerate CART development, we offer a range of custom service solutions to facilitate the development of personalized CAR-T cell therapies. Our services include:

Anti-Claudin6 CAR-T In Vitro Assays

Creative Biolabs specializes in designing CAR constructs tailored to target specific antigens expressed by cancer cells, including classical CAR design, armored CAR constructions, etc. Our team of experts custom CAR structure with optimized binding affinities and signaling domains to enhance treatment efficacy.

Fig.2 Schematic diagram of Claudin6 CAR construction. (Reinhard, et al., 2020)

Fig.2 Schematic diagram of Claudin6 CAR construction.1

  • Anti-Claudin6 CAR Expression Assay

For the CART expression test, Creative Biolabs has launched many sensitive CAR detection reagents (e.g., antigen-specific detection reagents, and universal reagents like anti-mouse/human Fab antibodies). In addition, we offer CAR expression detection services utilizing comprehensive techniques to accurately assess CAR expression levels.

  • Anti-Claudin6 CAR-T Proliferation Detection

Analyzing the expansion and proliferation of CAR T cells in vitro will provide valuable insights into their function and potential for therapeutic applications. Creative Biolabs is dedicated to providing CART proliferation tests with several approaches (e.g., CFSE-based proliferation test, CCK-8 assay, MTT assay) to meet specific client needs, accommodating different types of CAR constructs, antigens, and cell types to ensure a precise and comprehensive evaluation.

Fig.3 Proliferation test of Claudin6 CAR-transduced T cells detected by flow cytometry after 5 days. (Reinhard, et al., 2020)

Fig.3 Proliferation test of Claudin6 CAR-transduced T cells detected by flow cytometry after 5 days.1

Cytokine release test is a vital tool for evaluating the performance and efficacy of CAR-T cells against target cells. Our services include utilizing several techniques like Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), multiplex bead arrays, and intracellular cytokine analysis by flow cytometry to measure and analyze the cytokine release profile.

Fig.4 Cytokine detection of Claudin6-CART cells co-culture with claudin-expressing DCs analyzed by a multiplex assay. (Reinhard, et al., 2020)

Fig.4 Cytokine detection of Claudin6-CART cells co-culture with claudin-expressing DCs analyzed by a multiplex assay.1

CART cell in vitro cytotoxicity assay is a widely used technique to assess the killing capability of CAR-T cells toward target cells. We offer several methods to analyze the cytotoxicity of CAR-T cells, such as the flow cytometry-based assay, chromium release assay, and luminescence-based assay.

Fig.5 In vitro dynamic killing assessment of Claudin6 CAR-T cells against Claudin6 positive tumor spheroids at 10:1 E:T ratio. (Reinhard, et al., 2020)

Fig.5 In vitro dynamic killing assessment of Claudin6 CAR-T cells against Claudin6 positive tumor spheroids at 10:1 E:T ratio.1

Anti-Claudin6 CAR-T In Vivo Assays

More importantly, Creative Biolabs offers comprehensive CART in vivo study services, which involve the use of appropriate animal models to assess the efficacy and functionality of CAR-T cells in vivo, offering important data for evaluating the therapeutic potential of CAR-T cell therapies in a preclinical setting.

Fig.6 In vivo efficacy of anti-Claudin6 CAR-T in Claudin6 expressing OV90 cell CDX model. (Reinhard, et al., 2020)

Fig.6 In vivo efficacy of anti-Claudin6 CAR-T in Claudin6 expressing OV90 cell CDX model. Claudin6 expressing OV90 cells and CART cell characteristics (left and middle) and tumor growth kinetics of CDX model (right) were analyzed.1


  1. Reinhard, Katharina, et al. "An RNA vaccine drives expansion and efficacy of claudin-CAR-T cells against solid tumors." Science 367.6476 (2020): 446-453.
  • CAR Vector Products

  • AbTCR Vector Products

  • CAR Cell Products

  • CAR Animal Cells

  • CAR mRNA

  • Target Species:
  • Antibody Clone:
  • Antibody Host:
  • Receptor Construction:
  • Vector Type:
  • Targeting Cell Type:
  • CAR Vector Type:
CAT Product Name Target Species Antibody Clone Antibody Host Receptor Construction Vector Type Targeting Cell Type CAR Vector Type Inquiry & Datasheet
CAR-SB-LX0174 Anti-Claudin 6 (21D9) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pSBCAR1 Human 21D9 Mouse scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-SB-LX0175 Anti-Claudin 6 (61D) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pSBCAR1 Human 61D Mouse scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-SB-LX0176 Anti-Claudin 6 (89A) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pSBCAR1 Human 89A Mouse scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-SB-LX0177 Anti-Claudin 6 (64-A) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pSBCAR1 Human 64-A Mouse scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0622-ZP3215 Anti-Claudin 6 h(VHH1-VHH2-CD28-CD3ζ) Biepitopic CAR, pCDCAR1 Human VHH1-VHH2-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T Cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0722-ZP4429 Anti-Claudin 6 (IMAB027) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human IMAB027 Humanized scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0722-ZP4430 Anti-Claudin 6 (ASP1650) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Human ASP1650 Humanized scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0822-YF286 Anti-Human Claudin 6 (XW-286) h(41BB-CD3ζ) CAR IVT Plasmid, pCARIVT Human XW-286 Mouse scFv-41BB-CD3ζ In Vitro Transcription (IVT) Vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0822-YF287 Anti-Human Claudin 6 (XW-287) h(41BB-CD3ζ) CAR IVT Plasmid, pCARIVT Human XW-287 Mouse scFv-41BB-CD3ζ In Vitro Transcription (IVT) Vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0822-YF288 Anti-Human Claudin 6 (XW-288) h(41BB-CD3ζ) CAR IVT Plasmid, pCARIVT Human XW-288 Mouse scFv-41BB-CD3ζ In Vitro Transcription (IVT) Vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0822-YF289 Anti-Mouse Claudin 6 (XW-289) m(41BB-CD3ζ) CAR IVT Plasmid, pCARIVT Mouse XW-289 Rat scFv-41BB-CD3ζ In Vitro Transcription (IVT) Vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0822-YF290 Anti-Human Claudin 6 (XW-290) h(41BB-CD3ζ) CAR IVT Plasmid, pCARIVT Human XW-290 Mouse scFv-41BB-CD3ζ In Vitro Transcription (IVT) Vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0822-YF1206 Anti-Human Claudin 6 (XW-286) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR IVT Plasmid, pCARIVT Human XW-286 Mouse scFv-CD28-CD3ζ In Vitro Transcription (IVT) Vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0822-YF1207 Anti-Human Claudin 6 (XW-287) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR IVT Plasmid, pCARIVT Human XW-287 Mouse scFv-CD28-CD3ζ In Vitro Transcription (IVT) Vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0822-YF1208 Anti-Human Claudin 6 (XW-288) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR IVT Plasmid, pCARIVT Human XW-288 Mouse scFv-CD28-CD3ζ In Vitro Transcription (IVT) Vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0822-YF1209 Anti-Mouse Claudin 6 (XW-289) m(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR IVT Plasmid, pCARIVT Mouse XW-289 Rat scFv-CD28-CD3ζ In Vitro Transcription (IVT) Vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0822-YF1210 Anti-Human Claudin 6 (XW-290) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR IVT Plasmid, pCARIVT Human XW-290 Mouse scFv-CD28-CD3ζ In Vitro Transcription (IVT) Vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
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CellRapeutics™ In Vivo Cell Engineering: One-stop in vivo T/B/NK cell and macrophage engineering services covering vectors construction to function verification.


Silence™ CAR-T Cell: A novel platform to enhance CAR-T cell immunotherapy by combining RNAi technology to suppress genes that may impede CAR functionality.


Canine CAR-T Therapy Development: From early target discovery, CAR design and construction, cell culture, and transfection, to in vitro and in vivo function validation.

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