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Product List Background Anti-KLK2 CAR-T Services Anti-KLK2 CAR-T In Vitro Assay Services Anti-KLK2 CAR-T In Vivo Assay Services

Product List

Creative Biolabs is dedicated to delivering high-quality KLK2 CAR-T products, such as CAR vectors, CAR mRNA, and CAR cells. In addition to our diverse KLK2 CAR-T products, we also provide comprehensive services to assist with the development and optimization of CAR-T therapies. Our comprehensive product portfolio and expert services are designed to facilitate cutting-edge research in the field of CAR-T therapy.


The kallikrein-related peptidase 2 (KLK2) is a member of the kallikrein family of serine proteases. It is primarily expressed in the prostate gland and is associated with the production of semen. KLK2 can cleave the precursor form of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) to generate active PSA. Several studies have shown that altered expression of the KLK2 is associated with various types of cancer, including breast, lung, ovarian, colorectal, and pancreatic cancers. In breast cancer, for example, overexpression of KLK2 has been linked to a more aggressive and metastatic form of the disease.

Fig.1 Schematic of KLK2. (Khosroabadi & Saghar, 2023)

Fig.1 Schematic of KLK2.1

Associated Disease

  • Prostate cancer
  • Breast cancers
  • Lung cancer
  • Ovarian cancer

Anti-KLK2 CAR-T Services

Anti-KLK2 CAR-T In Vitro Assays

Creative Biolabs offers comprehensive in vitro assays to assess the efficacy and safety of anti-KLK2 CAR-T cell therapy, including:

Successful expression of CAR constructs is crucial for their therapeutic application in CAR T-cell therapy. We provide several methods to evaluate anti-KLK2 CAR expression such as flow cytometry, western blotting, and qPCR. These tests can determine if further optimization or modifications are needed to enhance CAR-mediated immune responses.

Creative Biolabs has rich experience in CAR-T cell proliferation tests. To assess anti-KLK2 CAR-T cell proliferation in vitro, cells are cultured in a controlled environment with specific growth factors and nutrients. The cells are stimulated with specific antigens or antigens expressed by cancer cells to trigger their proliferation. The proliferation of CAR-T cells is then evaluated by cell viability test, cell number counting, or by using various techniques such as flow cytometry to track cell division and expansion.

Creative Biolabs performs cytokine release tests to evaluate the functional activity of CAR-T cells. CAR-T cells are incubated with a specific antigen or target cells in a cytokine release test. The concentration of released cytokines in the culture supernatant is then analyzed using various techniques, including ELISA, flow cytometry-based assays, or multiplex cytokine profiling platforms.

CAR-T cytotoxicity tests are essential to assess the effectiveness and safety of CAR-T cell therapy. We provide cytotoxicity tests to help researchers determine the therapeutic potential of CAR-T cells and select the most effective candidates for further development.

Anti-KLK2 CAR-T In Vivo Assays

Creative Biolabs utilizes various techniques to monitor and assess anti-tumor efficacy in animal models, such as bioluminescence imaging, immunohistochemical analysis of tumor tissue sections, flow cytometry analysis of immune cell populations, and cytokine profiling. This allows us to provide valuable information on the efficacy and safety of CAR-T therapies, helping our clients to make informed decisions about the development of their treatments.


  1. Khosroabadi, Ghazaleh, and Saghar Yousefnia. "Mechanistic and Diagnostic Roles of Kallikrein Related Peptidases 2 (KLK2) in Prostate Cancer." Personalized Medicine Journal 8.28 (2023): 5-12.
  • CAR Vector Products

  • AbTCR Vector Products

  • CAR Cell Products

  • CAR Animal Cells

  • CAR mRNA

  • Target Species:
  • Antibody Clone:
  • Antibody Host:
  • Receptor Construction:
  • Vector Type:
  • Targeting Cell Type:
  • CAR Vector Type:
CAT Product Name Target Species Antibody Clone Antibody Host Receptor Construction Vector Type Targeting Cell Type CAR Vector Type Inquiry & Datasheet
CAR-0120ZP1797 Anti-KLK2 (7C8) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Mouse 7C8 Mouse scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T Cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-0120ZP1798 Anti-KLK2 (7C8) h(4-1BB-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Mouse 7C8 Mouse scFv-4-1BB-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T Cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-0120ZP1799 Anti-KLK2 (h11B6) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Humanized h11B6 Humanized scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T Cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-0120ZP1800 Anti-KLK2 (h11B6) h(4-1BB-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Humanized h11B6 Humanized scFv-4-1BB-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T Cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-0120ZP1801 Anti-KLK2 (DS1961AB) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Rabbit DS1961AB Rabbit scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T Cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-0120ZP1802 Anti-KLK2 (DS1961AB) h(4-1BB-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Rabbit DS1961AB Rabbit scFv-4-1BB-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T Cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-0120ZP1803 Anti-KLK2 (CBL629) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Rabbit CBL629 Rabbit scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T Cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-0120ZP1804 Anti-KLK2 (CBL629) h(4-1BB-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Rabbit CBL629 Rabbit scFv-4-1BB-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T Cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-0120ZP1805 Anti-KLK2 (CBLY1-122) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Rabbit CBLY1-122 Rabbit scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T Cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-0120ZP1806 Anti-KLK2 (CBLY1-122) h(4-1BB-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Rabbit CBLY1-122 Rabbit scFv-4-1BB-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T Cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-0120ZP1807 Anti-KLK2 (5D6) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Mouse 5D6 Mouse scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T Cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-0120ZP1808 Anti-KLK2 (5D6) h(4-1BB-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Mouse 5D6 Mouse scFv-4-1BB-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T Cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-0120ZP1813 Anti-KLK2 (6B7) h(CD28-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Mouse 6B7 Mouse scFv-CD28-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T Cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
CAR-0120ZP1814 Anti-KLK2 (6B7) h(4-1BB-CD3ζ) CAR, pCDCAR1 Mouse 6B7 Mouse scFv-4-1BB-CD3ζ Lentiviral vector T Cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0822-YF579 Anti-Human KLK2 (XW-579) h(41BB-CD3ζ) CAR IVT Plasmid, pCARIVT Human XW-579 Mouse scFv-41BB-CD3ζ In Vitro Transcription (IVT) Vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0822-YF580 Anti-Human KLK2 (XW-580) h(41BB-CD3ζ) CAR IVT Plasmid, pCARIVT Human XW-580 Mouse scFv-41BB-CD3ζ In Vitro Transcription (IVT) Vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0822-YF581 Anti-Human KLK2 (XW-581) h(41BB-CD3ζ) CAR IVT Plasmid, pCARIVT Human XW-581 Human scFv-41BB-CD3ζ In Vitro Transcription (IVT) Vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0822-YF582 Anti-Mouse KLK2 (XW-582) m(41BB-CD3ζ) CAR IVT Plasmid, pCARIVT Mouse XW-582 Rat scFv-41BB-CD3ζ In Vitro Transcription (IVT) Vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0123-ZP591 Anti-KLK2 (CB-P75) h(scFv-CD3ε) TRuC, pCDTRC1 Mouse CB-P75 Rat scFv-CD3ε Lentiviral vector T cell   Add to Cart   Datasheet
XS-0323-ZP380 Anti-KLK2 (7C8 scFv-CD28TM-CD79β) CBCR(CAR-B), pCDCAR1 Human 7C8 Mouse scFv-CD28TM-CD79β Lentiviral vector T cell CAR-B Vector   Add to Cart   Datasheet
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