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Due to the complexity of the tumor microenvironment (TME), the conventional drug delivery system fails to deliver the chemotherapeutics in effective concentration for cancer cell kill and is associated with debilitating side effects. Compared with traditional delivery systems, nanoparticles with unique physical properties and elaborate design can efficiently penetrate TME and specifically deliver to the major components in TME. Nanomedicines can deliver immune cargo and promote a stronger immune response and has higher specificity and efficacy. Nanotechnology-based systems can be designed to deliver their content in a spatiotemporally controlled manner in response to tumor internal stimuli, including pH, redox, enzymes, and external stimuli. Therapeutic strategies include inhibiting angiogenesis, remodeling the matrix, modulating immune responses, etc.

Schematic illustration of nanotechnology-based systems.Fig.1 Schematic illustration of nanotechnology-based systems. (Mendes, 2021)

Strategies of Nanomedicines Used to reshape TME

  • Targeting the extracellular matrix (ECM)
  • One of the strategies used to improve intratumoral drug delivery with nanoparticles is the modification of ECM components. Recent studies, along with clinical trials, have shown that ECM-degrading enzymes, such as collagenase or hyaluronidase, can improve nanoparticle penetration into solid tumors.

  • Targeting cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF)
  • Several nanotechnology-mediated strategies have been developed to focus on CAFs-based therapies. For example, the disruption of CAFs can directly cut the links between tumor cells and CAFs. Reprogramming of CAFs to an inactive state or reprogramming of CAFs' phenotype also represents a promising alternative approach.

  • Modulating immune response
  • Recent many attempts remodel the tumor immune microenvironment using novel nanoparticles. Nanoparticle-based approaches can modulate tumor cells and immune cells, such as dendritic cells, T cells, and tumor-associated macrophages.

  • Targeting angiogenesis
  • Nanomedicines can target angiogenesis directly or indirectly, increasing therapeutic efficacy and meanwhile reducing systemic toxicity. These drugs could lead to the destruction of the tumor neovasculature as well as surrounding carcinoma cells, block neovascularization, or promote tumor vasculature normalization.

  • Targeting tumor hypoxia
  • Overcoming hypoxia is an important strategy in the treatment of solid cancers. Studies have sought to develop functional molecules and nanomaterials including anti-hypoxia agents, hypoxia-active nanoparticles, and hypoxia-targeting agents. The goal is to reverse hypoxia by producing O2, activate the nanoparticles or agents in the hypoxic TME, and target biomarkers of tumor hypoxia to improve the efficacy of the drugs that are administered.

    Different strategies are used to target the TME through various kinds of nanomedicines.Fig.2 Different strategies are used to target the TME through various kinds of nanomedicines. (Gao, 2019)

The use of nanoparticles in cancer therapy areas becomes a promising approach in recent years. Creative Biolabs has established an advanced platform to manufacture and produce customizable nanoparticles. Our Nanoparticle Tiny Tech can be used to program T cells to create effective CAR-T cells in vitro and in vivo. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Mendes, B.B.; et al. Nanomedicine-based strategies to target and modulate the tumor microenvironment. Trends in Cancer. 2021.
  2. Gao, S.; et al. Engineering nanoparticles for targeted remodeling of the tumor microenvironment to improve cancer immunotherapy. Theranostics. 2019, 9(1): 126.
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