
ECIA™ B Cell ELISpot Service

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Membrane molecules on the surface of B cells have been playing critical roles in the process of differentiation and function execution. B cells not only are significant antigen presentation cells in the system of immune regulation but also can perform a function of specific humoral immune through generating antibodies.

B cell analysis is essential in two industrial fields: for vaccine design, the characteristics of antibody response or protective antibody response mediated by B cells in patients should be measured and clearly illuminated when a vaccine is put into the market to defend from the probable infections. For the protein therapeutic development, B cell mediated unfavorable immune response such as ineffective therapy, causing damage to patients and producing anti-drug antibodies in the autoimmune system should be illuminated.

Compare to ELISA or other assays, B cell ELISpot focuses on the antibody-secreting cell. It can identify and enumerate the number of antibody-specific cells (ASCs) and those secreting antibodies to a specific antigen with high sensitivity in cellular level.

Therefore, B cell ELISpot assay can be utilized to detect the distribution of antigen-specific B cells in lymphoid tissues and the characteristics of vaccine-induced antibody responses. And this assay is widely applied in detecting the effects of disease, drug therapy and other factors on the frequency of a responsive memory B cell.

ECIA™ B Cell ELISpot Assay Service Platform

Creative Biolabs has developed ECIA™ B cell ELISpot assay service platform to solve the problems:

Creative Biolabs offers optimized ECIA™ B cell ELISpot assay service platform to save your time and money. Our Ph.D. level scientists will perform the standardized experiment of ECIA™ B cell ELISpot assay in the most efficient way.

Upon receiving of your requirement, our experts will engage themselves with your project quickly, design tailored and advanced protocol of ECIA™ B cell ELISpot assay, and come up with a complete quotation including assay design, cell preparation and shipping, the cellular assays and the final data report. Customers can order single cellular analysis service or any step from the whole antigen assay program.

The general steps of ECIA™ B cell ELISpot assay service

ECIA™ B cell ELISpot assay services include but not limited to

Other optional ECIA™ cellular analysis services:

Published Data

Fig. 2 Enrichment of B cells prior to plating onto the sporozoite-ELISpot improves the assay sensitivity. (Tanmaya Atre, 2019)

The study demonstrates the effectiveness of a novel B cell ELISpot assay using lysed Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites to assess the frequency of parasite-specific B cells following vaccination with irradiated sporozoites. This method allows for direct quantification of antigen-specific B cells without the need for recombinant proteins, thus evaluating a broad spectrum of sporozoite antigens. The research results show that the assay can detect specific IgM and IgG-producing B cells in subjects vaccinated with radiation-attenuated sporozoite vaccine, highlighting its potential to analyze immune responses in vaccine trials. This method provides a more comprehensive understanding of the immune response following vaccination, essential for optimizing vaccine efficacy and understanding the mechanisms of immune protection.

  1. Atre, Tanmaya, et al. "Novel sporozoite-based ELISpot assay to assess frequency of parasite-specific B cells after vaccination with irradiated sporozoites." Malaria Journal 18 (2019): 1-8.


  1. What is a B cell ELISpot assay?

    The B cell ELISpot assay is a highly sensitive immunoassay that measures the frequency of B cells secreting specific antibodies at the single-cell level. It involves capturing antibodies secreted by B cells plated on a membrane-coated plate, allowing for the detection and quantification of antigen-specific antibody-secreting cells.

  2. How does the B cell ELISpot assay work?

    In a B cell ELISpot assay, B cells are isolated and cultured on a plate coated with a specific antigen or anti-immunoglobulin antibody. When B cells encounter the antigen, they produce antibodies that are captured directly around the cell. These spots are then detected using enzyme-linked antibodies specific to the immunoglobulin class being measured.

  3. What are the main applications of the B cell ELISpot assay?

    The B cell ELISpot assay is widely used in vaccine development and immunology research to measure the strength and quality of humoral immune responses. It's particularly useful for evaluating vaccine efficacy, studying immune memory, and understanding the breadth of antibody responses in infectious diseases and autoimmunity.

  4. What are the advantages of using the B cell ELISpot assay?

    The B cell ELISpot assay offers high sensitivity and specificity, the ability to detect low-frequency antigen-specific B cells, and quantitative results that reflect the number of antibody-secreting cells. It requires relatively few cells compared to other assays, making it ideal for limited clinical samples.

  5. Can the B cell ELISpot assay distinguish between different antibody classes?

    B cell ELISpot assay can be designed to distinguish between different classes of antibodies, such as IgG, IgA, and IgM, by using class-specific detection antibodies. This allows researchers to assess different aspects of the immune response, such as primary and secondary immune responses.

  6. How sensitive is the B cell ELISpot assay?

    The B cell ELISpot assay is extremely sensitive, capable of detecting one antibody-secreting cell among hundreds of thousands of cells. This sensitivity makes it an excellent tool for studying immune responses where antigen-specific B cells are present at very low frequencies.

  7. What sample types can be used for the B cell ELISpot assay?

    The B cell ELISpot assay typically uses peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) or isolated B cells from blood. It can also be performed using cells from other sources like lymph nodes or spleen, depending on the study's requirements.

  8. How does the B cell ELISpot assay contribute to vaccine development?

    The B cell ELISpot assay is crucial in vaccine development for evaluating the ability of a vaccine to induce a humoral immune response. It helps in the characterization of vaccine-induced protective antibody responses and memory B cell responses, aiding in the optimization of vaccine formulations and dosing schedules.


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All listed services and products are For Research Use Only. Do Not use in any diagnostic or therapeutic applications.

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